Balinor wrote:I'm rather disappointed that after all this time a game about automation still does not have an automated way to destroy biters.
And therein is the core flaw.
But back to the Wave Defense scenario.
Here's how I see it working best, at least as a starting point:
-Put the prefab base/structures in the middle of the map.
--Biters waves would come from the east only.
---Have each wave spawn groups that start split up and spread out but merge into fewer, bigger groups as they get closer to the player's starting point.
----This would create incentives for the player to create defense outposts to the east to try and deal with some of the groups when they're small.
--Resource fields would mainly populate the west side of the map, where biters don't spawn and won't generally approach from unless they're allowed to swing around through the north or south.
---This gives the player a safe area to freely expand resource production without having to protect those expansions.
-Research is done by some/one of the prefab structures the player starts with. There is no way for the player to expand research capacity beyond their initial structure(s).
--Creates a hard cap on how fast research can be done which allows some semblance of balancing biter wave strength against tech levels.
--Avoids the silly (as far as suspension of disbelief and Factorio's theme goes, but otherwise legit) mechanic of gaining 'research' via biter kills.
--Creates a potential avenue to expend economy (having to feed research structure(s) to get them to produce) without any sky is the limit balance zaniness.
--Protecting the research structure(s) becomes a point of concern for the player, and they can be a bit of a buffer between the biters and the game over rocket silo.
-Production of core buildings is vastly more resource and time intensive than the base game.
--Concrete walls should involve steel and more stone bricks to produce.
--Making a burner mining drill or gray factory should be like completing red-level research.
--Making an electric mining drill, normal turret or blue factory should be like completing green-level research.
--Making a laser turret or green factory should be like completing blue-level research.
---Will greatly flatten out Factorio's automation of production curve so some semblance of balance on wave difficulty can be achieved.
---That is, choices that are much smaller (number of buildings-wise) and slightly less activity intensive are able to have much greater impact.
--I'm not sure how land mines or flame turrets fit into this picture
-Biters are much tougher to kill, defenses are a bit tougher to kill.
--Smallest biters should be a bit tougher than medium biters in the base game sort of deal.
--Desired dynamic is to create a larger danger buffer where biters can cause damage and will often do so to an average player (vs difficulty level) without completely breaching defenses or even destroying most of them.
---Add research options for health/resistance upgrades to structures
-Biter waves should be balanced on an exponential-style curve.
--Trivial to start, but brutal towards the last 10-25% of the game.
--Waves should start with a ~20 minute calm period between them to allow the player to expand their economy, repair, and improve defenses without harassment
---Calm period shrinks as game progresses
That's what I think the winning formula looks like for the most Factorio-style Tower Defense setup you're going to get.