I've been thinking of making a mod for this (or something similar at least, to make it possible). I'm almost far enough with my specification to start coding it. But I'm too busy at the moment to do it. But it might be my next big mod project.
This post is going to be a bit of a raw brain dump that might not make sense if you haven't read the topic, or maybe even then.
My goal is to maintain 60 UPS pretty much regardless of factory size and having production/minute be as close to vanilla as possible but not really paying attention to /tick production stats. It wouldn't be exactly as the devs intended it with each item actually being accounted for precisely. And I do love that about Factorio. But the game is great without it also and it doesn't hurt the game if it's implemented as a mod. If players can continue to play and expand their factories instead of abandoning them because they start dropping UPS then at that point the tradeoff seems to be pretty ok.
Features and requirements spec:
absolutely need active = false to mean that the entities don't use CPU cycles. This makes it "simple" and fast to enable/disable abstraction quickly. And belts and bots etc will stay in position carrying material as if it was always running. With the assumption that the running factory looks "the same" all the time it should be OK to just pause the belts and bots and then unpause when a player comes to inspect. If materials have dried up at inputs inputs then that's just some buffered items that can be accounted for and won't really affect actual production but just when those things get used.
- It should just be plug-and-play, install the mod and after a while (if it's added to an already running big base) UPS should increase so that you can play without slowdowns any more.
- No input output marking
- to greatests extent should work with any building style
- no new entities
- This of course excludes Factorissimo style buildings and building with blurry glass roofs etc. The actual entities represent themselves, just active=false'd.
- This also means the player have to manage the factory just the same as if there really was proper simulation of all the items. No boxing of items that reduce belts, all the same space requirements, no difference to blueprints or calculations need to be made etc. Should "feel" like the real thing, except better UPS.
techical features:
- should be compatible with most mods
- should be able to handle belts, pipes, bots and trains in local networks. Maybe even new logistics methods like Klonans transport drones could be handled, maybe even without specific code to handle those if they are used within local production cells, but that might be strecting it.
- shouldn't be need recomputation for non-affecting edits
- should enable and disable parts as seamlessly as possible, instantly. After initial measurements the goal should be that only what you are currently working on and looking at is working. As soon as you look away it becomes abstracted and the new thing you look at is running instead.
- Less power means slower production, abstraction just adjusts proportionally (depends on power abstraction precision).
Limitations of requirements:
For this to be achievable I'm fine with minor losses of accuracy. A 20.00k SPM factory should still produce 20.00k SPM, losing or gaining less than 1% is not of great concern if I can get everything else good enough. But it should be as close as reasonably possible for number of items consumed and produced. The speed of production depends on power (might be less precise) and isn't as critical to get close to perfect imo, as long as it is within a few %. If things run 3% faster or slower, who cares if it's almost count perfect? The inputs and outputs might be constrained by some other non-abstracted factory anyways so in that case the abstraction could run it 100 times faster and you would just get "spikier" production but not actually any faster production. Sources of inaccuracy would be productivity modules. 2 things in might lead to 2 things out, but 3 things in could give 4 things out. The productivity bars could be read or the output calculated, but then you are talking about possible doing abstracted output higher than what you have measured so it just seems like a lot of work that generates more work for minor accuracy increase but at the risk of accuracy decrease if done with wrong assumptions and more CPU time by the mod. So not worth it I think, just measure for a bit longer for more accurate results.
The mod API doesn't give view position, but character position and player selected gives enough that it is almost achievable to know where the players are looking. So for that reason I'm fine with players seeing frozen machines if they use map view and accidentally/deliberately don't mouse over any entities.
Power draw might be tricky to get right, both to estimate, it's probably ok to approximate that with slightly less precision (so within a few %) instead of aiming to get it almost perfect like production stats. People overbuild on solar and nuclear on scales like 25% power excess or sometimes much more.
I think it's ok to only start measuring (abstraction preparation) when input buffers are filled and power is always at 100%. Should be reasonable to maintain for a few minutes.
Measurement really only needs to check that power is consistent every frame. Inputs and outputs are buffered and only need to be checked sometimes. So measurement is almost free, the heavier calculations only happen once or twice for the system at start and end of measurement. Finding and maintaining areas to abstract is another part that could require a fair ammount of work. But this isn't time critical and can be spread out over many tick, over minutes or hours. Doing it spread out over more time just delays the time it takes for a completed factory unit to be abstracted for the first time after being completed/modified and then up and running. For big factories the cell units that have not been modified by the player in the last 10 minutes is probably 90% or more, typically.
I'm not planning on making it completly impossible to "abuse" into behaving differently when abstracted from what it otherwise would do. It aims to do "the same thing as previous minute, repeated over the next hundred minutes". If a factory cell produces one thing at odd hours and other things at even hours then it should be accurate in it's production count, it just wouldn't switch to the other behaviour if there's circuits that route things differently certain times, or factory cells with circuits wouldn't be abstracted maybe.
Buffered items should be counted or assembler types should have crafts counted. Or buffered items should be detected and not be part of the measured and cached output for repetition. So you don't get free outputs because buffers were emptying while measuring. But otherwise it doesn't need to be impossible to abuse with all mod configurations etc. It just shouldn't accidentally give the wrong output when abstracted. If people want to abuse or trick the abstraction then they might as well just install Creative Mod or use infinity chests so it's not like real cheats aren't available if my mod isn't perfect...
The parts that will have items drawn from and outputted to will have to be chests. There items can be created or destroyed faster by Lua than Factorio by itself since items are not inserted individually but filled/drained completely instead with an API call, and big chains of interactions of entities can be abstracted away.
Ores on ground and labs/research also need to be handled. Especially ore deposits since most of material flow happens with mining ores and then smelting so it would be a great boost if even just that was sped up.
Most of the hard things to do will be to maintain data structures over a dynamic factory, find input outputs, not spend too much time on checking if things interfere with earlier abstractions, finding connections, maintaining hierachies and overlapping abstractions, simulating power draw etc, splitting work over several ticks efficiently in Lua...
But a more limited form that skips cells with logistics chests in it and doesn't pay as much attention to accuracy of the speed, power draw and splits the world into simpler disjointed cells etc might be possible to prototype up a bit quicker and then I'll see if the project is worth improving up to full spec.