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Re: [0.7.1] video ram minimum 512mb

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:19 am
by kovarex
SilverWarior wrote:So how will you determine when low-res mod needs to be loaded and when regular one does.
Also since this might be afected by curent active mods you will need to restart the game whenever a player enables one of previously disabled mods.
At this moment, you have to restart the game when you change mod configuration anyway.

Re: [0.7.1] video ram minimum 512mb

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:06 am
by SilverWarior
And with the system I recomends you won't have to. And that can be big advantage.

For instance now you can have next scenario:
When a player enables one of previously disabled mod so he is forced to restart Factorio. And it is posible that after enabling this mod he will ran out of graphical memory which wil result either in some of graphics missing or error "unable to create atlas bitmap". And if he wants to play Factorio again he will have to either disable one of the mods manually by editing game files in order to reduce graphical memory consumption or he might go and reinstal whole game which might not solve the problem if old settings remain.
In any case it will be utmost unpleasant expirience for him.

How about next scenario:
Player wanted to enable one of the mods but he actually enabled another one by mistake. He is now forced to restart the game several times.

And the biggest advantage about using my approach is that you would be able to automatically load needed mods for each save game.

Re: [0.7.1] video ram minimum 512mb

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 11:20 am
by ssilk
I see that loading in game as nice to have. What really bugs is, that players with less ram cannot play. Currently I would be glad if a requester pops up, with some text, which file I need to change and I think, everyone else too.

Re: [0.7.1] video ram minimum 512mb

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:40 pm
by kovarex
Hello, so this is the solution:
  • There is graphical option "low graphics" in 0.7.2
  • When the option is set, all sprites that are bigger than 32 pixels and marked with medium/low/very low priority are scaled down to one half.
  • I rechecked the priority settings of individual sprites and succeeded in making the video memory consumption demand 1/3 of the current one with the option.
  • The game doesn't look as bad as I expected
  • When the player starts the game and he gets the error with not enough video memory, the option is automatically turned on, and the message says to try to start the game again. (as long as it is not turned on already, he gets message to get better card or report the error in that case ^^)

Re: [0.7.1] video ram minimum 512mb

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 2:38 am
by ssilk
Very cool. If it works. ^ ^ We'll see. :)