kovarex wrote:I'm quite curious, what is the root difference between your and my playstyle, that make the view on the personal roboport so different.
I personally have automated requests of the basic intermediate products and all the basic structures (belts, inserters, rails, assemblers, power poles, roboports, etc). Stack or more of each, so whenever I build the blueprint I have enough of it on me and I see the result in seconds, so I can work with that. I usually don't have problems with inventory space, unless I have a lot of crap that I can just get rid of. When I'm building specific things like solar arrays, I'm ok with the robots to take all of the solars/accumulators from my inventory (if I have some, I usually don't have), and the rest, they take it from the logistic network. I don't have to see the result now, so I can just put blueprint or two of solar array and I can leave it there as it is.
That's actually a really interesting question...
I guess that I'm using pretty much every item of the game way too often in day-to-day scenarios when I'm playing. I've at least 30-40 items I use during almost every session of the game because if I see something I could do better I'll do it right away. Which is why 20 request slots don't really do the job for me, even though I've never complained about that yet since I've found my way around that. Most of the stuff I've no free request slots for I'm carrying with me as single-item blueprints and I only request the stuff that actually doesn't work quite well that way because they are buggy or not quite as functional or don't work at all this way. For example:
- Splitters... Single-item blueprint placement is buggy with them because it can't be placed anywhere near existing stuff (I wanted to make a report about that a long time ago but didn't get to it yet)... also there's this strange off-set to many single-item blueprints that makes them hard to place.
- Underground belts... Can't change the direction of the item flow and it's not worth to have 2 explicit blueprints for that which look exactly the same.
So that stuff makes sense to have it as "real item" in your inventory, so I'm always requesting a stack of them. Then there is also the stuff that I want to have ready at all times for the case I'm going outside the logistic network because running back/forth isn't that fun at all, like for example:
- Shotgun Shells... I don't want to be caught off-guard.
- Power Poles... I need them to get power somewhere...
- Roboports... I can't extend the roboport network without...
For everything else I'm using single-item-blueprints, which to be honest fill at least 50% of my inventory, if not more sometimes. For example:
- Assemblers... I don't carry them with me as real items... I don't need to because the single-item-blueprint does the job quite well and I don't need them in outposts either.
- Walls... I don't carry them either because they need to be within a construction robot area anyways to get repaired, so I might as well let them get placed by them.
I guess that I can't play the game saying "today you are going to redo the assembly line" and then only have the items needed exactly for that. On the way I'm stumbling accross other stuff as well like "damn power is short"... and then I'd have to get all the stuff for that into my inventory and on the way back to the assembly lines I get attacked by biters who took their chance during the power fluctuations and I've to expand on the defense and so forth and need those items.
So that's why I'm relying very heavily on blueprints and I mostly don't have the required items in my inventory.
The above mentioned items are just examples, like I wrote. There are several dozen other items for which similar reasons exist as for why I'm requesting them or why I'm using them as blueprints.
But I guess this is also why I'm having major trouble in dealing with getting all the items dumped into my inventory when deconstructing something. I just don't have the space for all that crap because I don't request most of those items to my inventory in the first place and I don't want it because I'm a lazy bastard relying on construction robots to do almost everything for me. xD
Another thing is that I'm building/deconstructing stuff on mass. If I build something it's almost guranteed that the blueprint will be stamped all over the place like crazy with hundreds over hundreds of items of the same type being needed, which is another reason why the items in my inventory would never suffice in the first place, and the same is true for deconstructing... It wouldn't fit into my inventory.
SHiRKiT wrote:I normally have 5-10 of some item with me, unless I plan building something. I do not carry anything in my inventory that's no essentially needed. I normally have around 5k logistic and construction robots in all networks (since I don't think we'll ever get to the idea of "colored" networks, I forgot the proper term), I separate them into outposts networks, which basically just rebuilds and takes care of the network, and my main network, which consists of a really large logistic network, all done by bots (trying to build the 0.12 base like this as I speak, since I lost my 0.11 save). Most of the time I do not want anything to mess around with my inventory at all, since I spend most of my time destroying and building new stuff with ghost placement and blueprint it at the end. Messing with my inventory means that I cannot work with ghost placement near me, and I'd need to spend logistic slots to request the stuff I'm building, which makes no sense to me. If the bots will end up bringing the stuff to me so that my personal robots build the stuff in the end, I'd prefer for them just to build the stuff with the items in the logistic network, which would've happened if "I wasn't in the way".
My playstyle is pretty different from yours. I'm never ok with anything that's implicitly working with my inventory and messing around in a way I do not want. I use bots for everything. But in a totally different way.
Also that, because I'm also ghosting most of the stuff I'm not using as a blueprint already.
The only reason why I'm using single-item blueprints over ghosting for the most part is because half of the time I'm actually placing the item instead of ghosting it and forget that I need that thing to be able to ghost further instances later on, and then I'd have to backtrack and deconstruct it again if I can remember where I lost that thing in the first place or backtrack to the factory and get a new one, especially if I don't request it. Can't happen with single-item blueprints.
SHiRKiT wrote:At the next weekend, if nobody goes hunting for it, I'll try to create a mod that disables the personal roboport when inside a construction network, and add's a GUI button somewhere I manually control it.
Go for it! I'll probably be using it, which would make it literally the first mod ever that I used. xD
Don't forget about something like an icon that gets displayed once you enter the construction area of a roboport that shows that your personal roboport got disabled temporarily, maybe together with the GUI button you are planning anyways that enables you to override the default behavior.