De-make forum question

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De-make forum question

Post by archaicvirus »

Hello there! I am working on a Factorio de-make for the TIC-80 fantasy computer. I wanted to know if this was OK to post about here, and if so, where would be the appropriate place to make a post? I have already asked Kovarex via PM a few weeks ago, but I have yet to recieve a reply. Which is fine, I'm sure they are very busy, I just wanted to point that out. The de-make is basically 8-bit factorio, stripped down to the essentials. It will be free to play on TIC80 (a free open source fantasy computer).

I love Factorio, and I believe the de-make will promote Factorio, and possibly attract new players that haven't otherwise tried Factorio yet. I didn't want to post anything more without first getting permission, because I don't want to offend anyone or step on toes or anything like that. Thanks in advance for consideration, to whom it may concern!

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Re: De-make forum question

Post by Koub »

Hi, Moderator-me speaking here.
What would be OK is a single thread in the off-topic section, where all the discussion around the TIC80 adaptation would take place.

Bear in mind that I'm just a moderator, not part of the dev team, I can't speak on behalf of Kovarex or the other devs about if it's OK to recreate a Factorio-like for a different platform. So my answer is just for the forum part :).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

Burner Inserter
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Re: De-make forum question

Post by archaicvirus »

Thank you for your reply. I understand the devs may or may not support this idea, and I respect that decision. I suppose for now I will make a post about it in off-topic, and will expect the possibility of its future removal. Thanks again!

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Re: De-make forum question

Post by Sanqui »

Sounds awesome, I can't wait to see it. As long as it's made clear the game is not affiliated with us (Wube) I believe we are fine with it (but this is not an official stance).

Burner Inserter
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Re: De-make forum question

Post by archaicvirus »

Thanks for your response! I have noted the disclaimer, and updated the post that I am not affiliated with Wube.

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