So, after searching a bit on the Forum, i found out, that there is not a Topic
exclusively to this one. [Means: Only about how to move a Train forward, or things needed for this]
A Electric Locomotive
A Electric Locomotive which you can use like a "normal" Diesel Locomotive.
To discuss:
IF Solution A:
Electric Locomotive with Accus, that the Energy is delivered by Accumulators.
-How to power the Loks?
-Just let them Charge, when a electric grid is in range?
-Or at special Charging Stations? (almost a must, because Accus discharge at night...)
-What should be the Range of it? (It would be far less, when all the Wagons are loaded)
-A normal Diesel Locomotive uses 600kW and has 10 Tiles, the max. Storage of that is 12.5 MJ, which holds on to 20.833 Seconds of Power.... not much in my opinion.
Example Specs:
- Speed: Faster than Diesel
- Acceleration: Better than Diesel
- Power Source: "Classic" over Power Poles (Small or Medium) and Batterys (With Battery Wagon?)
- Power Usage: Higher than Diesel (Means that huge Batterys are needed)
- Energy Storage: Yes, on the Lok, with extra Battery wagons
IF Solution B:
Electric Locomotive is the "normal" definition. [
My Favorite]
-How should the Power be delivered?
==>1. With Substation, and the need of Full 100% Rail coverage?
==>2. Or the "Classic" way, of a small or Medium electric Pole at max. distance?
==>3. Powered Rails?
==>Other ideas?
-In the real World, 100% Coverage trough Wires is needed, so there is no "fall off" power, because the Train is (almost) always connected to the Power Grid.
This comment
Example Specs:
- Speed: Faster than Diesel
- Acceleration: Better than Diesel
- Power Source: "Classic" over Power Poles (Small or Medium)
- Power Usage: Higher than Diesel
- Energy Storage: No (Maybe Battery Wagon?
IF Possible 1:
Solar Locomotive: Run only over day.
-Costs? Obviously the Price of a Locomotive plus ca. 3 Solarpanels
-Maximal Speed [((Diesel max. Speed)/(Power Usage of Diesel Locomotive))*(Power Production on 10 Tiles)=] 28.86 KM/H?
It cant be fast, because a
Solar Panel isn't giving so much Energy, or should it be possible to add "
Example Specs:
- Speed: much faster than Diesel
- Acceleration: much worse than Diesel
- Power Source: Solar Panels (maybe with extra Wagons?)
- Power Usage: Higher than Diesel (but obviously the Solar panels don't give much Energy)
- Energy Storage: small one on the loc (Maybe Battery Wagon?)
IF Possible 2:
Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation = Magnetic "RailWay"): Superfast, Superexpensive, Huge Power Consumption, but with what specs? And should it also have extra Rails? And should it also be powered over the Rails? (I don't like this whole idea, seems too futuristic)
Example Specs:
- Speed: much better than Diesel
- Acceleration: much better than Diesel
- Power Source: Rails
- Power Usage: much higher than Diesel
- Energy Storage: No
Powered by Poles
Powered by Substations
What do you think? I want to find out what of the Above solutions fits best for Factorio, so that all the Discussion is on one Thread and not spread out trough the whole Board.
Personally I would prefer the Solution B, because, who anyway uses Accumulators on Electric Locomotives? And: Finally a way, how to run Loks on
Solar Energy
Useful Links:
A comment about Train Tech Tree posibilities
A Super wide rails Request, not as usefull for Maglev trains as it seems (old Rail models)
FARL v0.2.4 (Rail Layer), a automated Rail Setup System, with electric Rails (or Electric Pole placer?)
5DIM's mod, with Electric trains, but the Mod uses a trick: It inserts Coal into the Energy slot, so it "runs" on Electric Power, but thats never gonna show up on the Power Grid Info Screen :/
Wagons Mod, not alive anymore
Edit: Reformulated the Post and added Pictures
Note: I will update this list every now and then