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Quality roboports should have a higher impact on charge time.

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 11:21 am
by FitterSkippy
I've only made it was far as rare quality so far, but I've done quite a bit to upgrade most of my infrastructure to rare everything including my logistics network. With rare roboports and rare construction bots, I don't feel like the charge time scales properly between roboports and bots with the time and resources invested. I don't want to see them become broken, so power usage should also go up more, but rare bots take SO LONG to charge at rare roboports. I feel like the way I'm going to remedy this in the near future will be to only upgrade my roboports beyond rare, but I know know that's going to drive me crazy not upgrading my bots. I really don't want to resort to a mod in order to remedy this.