Mod Download API with Powershell on Windows
Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 8:58 pm
I have not found a good example to auto update mods on windows, so here is my powershell script. Just input the directory for your mods (usually in %appdata%/factorio/mods), your factorio username and the token from your profile here. Save it as FactorioModUpdates.ps1
I hope this helps someone.
I hope this helps someone.
Code: Select all
# Define variables
$modsDir = "C:\factorio-server\mods" # Path to your Factorio mods directory
$factorioUsername = "" # Replace with your Factorio username
$apiKey = "" # Replace with your Factorio token
# Read mod-list.json
$modListPath = Join-Path $modsDir "mod-list.json"
if (!(Test-Path $modListPath)) {
Write-Error "mod-list.json not found in $modsDir."
# Parse mod-list.json
$modList = Get-Content -Path $modListPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$enabledMods = $modList.mods | Where-Object { $ -ne "base" -and $_.enabled -eq $true }
# Function to download a mod
function Download-Mod {
param (
# Ensure the download URL starts with a slash
if (-not $downloadUrl.StartsWith("/")) {
$downloadUrl = "/$downloadUrl"
# Construct the full download URL
$fullDownloadUrl = "$($downloadUrl)?username=$factorioUsername&token=$apiKey"
write-host $fullDownloadUrl
$outputFile = Join-Path $modsDir "$($modName)_$"
try {
# Validate the constructed URI
if (![System.Uri]::IsWellFormedUriString($fullDownloadUrl, [System.UriKind]::Absolute)) {
throw "Invalid URI constructed: $fullDownloadUrl"
# Attempt to download the mod
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fullDownloadUrl -OutFile $outputFile -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Downloaded $modName $version successfully."
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to download $modName. $_"
# Loop through enabled mods and update
foreach ($mod in $enabledMods) {
$modName = $
Write-Host "Checking updates for $modName..."
if($modName -eq "elevated-rails" -or $modName -eq "space-age" -or $modName -eq "quality" ){write-host "skipping"
}Else {
# Get mod info
try {
$modInfo = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$modName" -ErrorAction Stop
$latestRelease = $modInfo.releases | Sort-Object released_at -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
$latestVersionNumber = $latestRelease.version
$downloadUrl = $latestRelease.download_url
# Check if mod needs updating
$existingMod = Get-ChildItem -Path $modsDir -Filter "$modName*.zip"
if ($existingMod.Name -notlike "*$latestVersionNumber*") {
Write-Host "$modName needs update. Downloading version $latestVersionNumber..."
Download-Mod -modName $modName -downloadUrl $downloadUrl -version $latestVersionNumber
if($existingMod.Name -ne "" -and $existingMod.Name -ne $null){ Remove-Item "mods/$($existingMod.Name)" }
} else {
Write-Host "$modName is already up-to-date."
} catch {
Write-Error "Error retrieving info for $modName. $_"
Write-Host "`tMod updates complete."