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McLauncher 0.4.8 (Mod Manager works with v12)
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:26 am
Hello! Lets start by saying this, This is not a mod for factorio, But a Launcher. This external program written in java manages profiles for your mods, And allows you to download mods from within it.
>Manage multiple profiles which can all have separate mods enabled.
>Launch factorio with a profile which has specific mods enabled.
>Download new mods that are unpacked in your mods folder.
>Faster way of launching your game from vanilla to mods to vanilla!
>More features to come!
Video preview: ... (unlisted, only available via link)
+Work more on dependency, Get optional mods acknowledged.
+Ability to download new Scenarios!
+More options.
+Always more mods available to download.
Known Bugs:
-Some mods that have optional dependency will say you need to enable xxx mod even if it is enabled. Ignore it until i add full dependency support.
Fix for my site going down.
Disabled downloads and server browser tabs.
+Fix problem where config file would not save in the correct location. (Thanks Arano-kai)
McLauncher will now save when you select a path, or profile. (Thanks Arano-kai)
+Fixed an issue where
McLauncher could not get the version from a .zip mod. (Thanks Arano-kai)
+Added a Cancel button to stop downloading the current mod. (Suggested by Arano-kai)
Source code?
This project is a learning experience for me.
How to use:
Watch the video (link above) or...
Download and save the .jar file anywhere, but i recommend inside of your factorio directory.
Launch factorio and click the ... button, change the game path to the factorio directory.
Create a profile, and select and add mods you wish to add.
Select the profile you wish to use, and launch the game!
Download: (Use it! And comment here! i need feedback! ty)
McLauncher v0.4.8 downloads:
Dropbox v0.4.8
You need
java to run this, You just double click the .jar file.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.0 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 1:11 pm
by SHiRKiT
I did exactly the same a while ago for another game, and I'll tell you something I've learned: you've gotta prove that your software doesn't crash; it works as expected; it doesn't contains malicious code. People might ask about malicious code, and it's up to you to prove them otherwise.
Here's a link to the program ( I think you can take a look at the source code to help you out, specially at the Linux/Mac area, which I also had issues to get it working. It's also made in Java using Swing, so you can find a bunch of random stuff that should really help you out.
Anyways, big congratulations and thanks for building this, it's a really nice idea. The community is working really around the game for a such small group of people that bought it.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.0 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:46 am
I love hon! or used to, but my friends stopped playing it ;(
Thanks for sharing the code, I will check into the linux/mac part, But i have no way of testing it without the help of someone who has it.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.0 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:05 am
by bobingabout
Sounds like someone has been disecting my mod
Also sounds like a useful program, I'm not sure if I'll use it myself though.
I've heard that aparantly they plan to add mod profiles to the game at some point.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.0 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:41 am
Aye bob

gold for mcconfig
And i coded this knowing that someone else may/can make a better one. Or the devs will probably improve it later in the games life.
But for now, It is here to be used

if one wants it that is
Its funny you noticed that though bob

Re: McLauncher 0.1.1 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 6:14 am
Just a quick update. version 0.1.1 was released just to add linux/mac support, I don't know if they work though so if anyone with linux/mac can tell me if the software will successfully launch factorio, that would be great!
0.1.0 >> 0.1.1
+linux and mac launch button support(unknown if it works yet)
+Some text smaller
+Mod Version correctly shows the selected mods version
+bugfix and behind the counter work.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.1 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:07 pm
by SHiRKiT
Well, I think you can set up something for future use in Factorio. You can purpouse a change in the info.json that only your ModManager would read. That would be two attributes called "versioncheck" and "downloadlink" (or similar names).
- versioncheck : would need to point to a txt or some type of HTTP server that the only response you would get is a single line string with the version of the mod that's located in downloadlink.
- downloadlink : points to the ZIP file that has the lastest updated version of the mod in question.
Now, to make this all work, you'd need to handle overwritting zips/folders inside the 'mods' folder.
This would allow mods to auto-update themselves, while taking the responsability out of the developers, since they can't take charge when a thirdy-party software updates the mods, and not the game itself.
Re: McLauncher 0.1.1 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:24 pm
by MrFastZombie
Nice mod. Worked very well!
Re: McLauncher 0.2.0 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 8:56 pm
Updated to 0.2.0!
This update includes:
Launcher updater (will update itself, but will not restart the launcher)
Dependency update! (will tell you what mods you need enabled, does not work with "optional" mod versions yet)
I will also now be using orangedox, it basically counts downloads via dropbox.
Download 0.2.0 at ... uncher.jar
Re: McLauncher 0.2.1 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:16 pm
quick 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 update, Removed a test button that was in the middle of the window that i forgot to remove.
0.2.2 disabled the update button.
Also, tomorrow i will be leaving for the beach for a week!
And thanks SHiRKiT for advice/help you are offering.
I was thinking of allowing the mod authors themself to just add McVersionCheck and McDownloadLink in their info file. Adding a button to update the mod.
I'm not sure how that will go though. I would like to be able to track how many times a mod has been updated which should be a simple message.
If i implement a feature, Will the mod authors even use it? we shall see.
Re: McLauncher 0.2.2 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:21 am
Okay guys, I'm back from the beach and i see the new 0.10.7 and later mod name rule thread,
edit: Snipped some of my post regarding 0.10.7 stuff i didn't understand. (but do now)
And it appears mods can work with .zip files, currently McLauncher doesn't have any compatibility with that, so I'm going to have to learn how to work with .zip files in java.
Re: McLauncher 0.2.2 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:27 am
by bobingabout
it's always worked with zip files, just most people chose not to use them, because they'd put a version number in the zip name, and it wouldn't work properly, because it took the version number as part of the mod name.
As for multiple versions... personally, I see no reason for my own mods to have multiple versions available, since newer versions replace older versions.
Re: McLauncher 0.2.2 (Mod Manager)
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:47 am
well, i think most people will just have modname instead of modname_version, But in those instance's where there is, some people will have multiple of the same mod with different versions. I would like McLauncher to work in all occasions, And that would be some of the rare occasions i believe in the future.
And i didn't know about zip's always being usable, but i got that from the post.
Re: McLauncher 0.3.0 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:53 am
New update! Pushing out v 0.3.0 which is still early, I don't think there should be any bugs or problems but you never know, my testing is only on my windows and computer itself.
Most problems you do come across should be handled smoothly from within the program.
But the new features in this update is you will now be able to download mods directly from
Screenie here:
Currently the database of mods is small, I will not add mods without permission from the author. So if you want your mod on here, message me. If not, I might ask you
If you want your mod listed in
McLauncher to be available for download, its a very manual process for me, but i don't mind.
PM me here, or email me at, tell me the mod(s) you want added, maybe a little bit more information regarding it. And if you want a icon for your mod, it needs to be 128x128 jpg/png.
You don't even need to update
McLauncher to see your mod added in minutes.
If you want the download, here it is.
McLauncher v0.3.0 downloads:
My site
Re: McLauncher 0.3.0 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 9:04 am
by Vitduo
Can your program download mods from dropbox directly?
Re: McLauncher 0.3.0 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 4:18 pm
In my testing, I originally used dropbox but I then switched over to my site.
But yes, if I change the download location to a dropbox url, it will work. But i think it needs to be in the public folder of dropbox.
Re: McLauncher 0.3.1 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:08 pm
by Turtle
I just got around to checking this out. I guess it doesn't read the actual zip files because I only see a couple of mods that I have unzipped. I usually keep my mods in their zip files.
Re: McLauncher 0.3.1 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:33 pm
Turtle wrote:I just got around to checking this out. I guess it doesn't read the actual zip files because I only see a couple of mods that I have unzipped. I usually keep my mods in their zip files.
That is something that i just started work on because i had no idea that factorio read .zip files until 0.10.7.
And when you download a mod, it extracts it also.
0.3.2 update
+Mod icons correctly show (to those that have them)
+mods that are .zips (not folders) should now also detect and work!
0.3.3 update
+Mod page button works!
+If a mod has a license, it will be displayed!
You can update using "update launcher" at the bottom of the launcher tab, if you are running version 0.3.0 or higher.
Re: McLauncher 0.3.3 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:41 pm
by Dark
Plans to make it open source? Git repo and so on...
Re: McLauncher 0.3.3 (Mod Manager and Downloader)
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:28 pm
Dark wrote:Plans to make it open source? Git repo and so on...
I do plan to, i just have not cleaned up the code and commented enough. And the fact i don't know how to git properly.
I use SmartGithg. and I create a project on github and then try to commit the source.
And last time i did that, i ended up deleting all of my source code by downloading from the master. I had to go in eclipse and restore a backup.
Edit: We have over 100 downloads among the 26 mods currently available for download. (I think this is really good for the mods available, and the attention
McLauncher has!)