The numbers in the wiki are >1.5 years old. Things may have changed a lot.
Btw, if anyone wants to repeat the measurements:
I built a timer first. I calculated how much time an item needs to run exactly one minute and made serveral tests, I think it was not really exactly one minute. But the function of that timer is: Item is placed on
belt, one minute to go, item is placed into chest again. Let's call it "state engine".
The test-drive knows only two states: Preheating and running.
Preheating is done, when the time isn't started. This works like so:
- There are six rows (9 inserters each in one row), which place items on 3 express belts from both lanes.
- The three lanes are joined with fast splitters and
- the test drive starts. (state = running)
- The test drive itself is just some belts, curves or whatever form you want to test.
- Before and after the test-drive are no curves etc.
- After the test drive there are the "running-state"-inserters on one side of the
belt (about 20 green inserters) and the "preheating-state" inserters on the other.
Preheating and running-states cannot happen at the same time! (see above: the time is a state engine).
Preheating is needed, because otherwise you do test how long it takes, until the first items run through. But you want to test the total throughput.
How this works in practice:
- In preheating state the items run through the test drive and the preheating inserters take them away at the end.
- When the time is started, the preheating inserters stops immediately and running-state inserters take over.
- When the timer runs out, the running-state inserters stops immediately and preheating inserters restart.
Now I have time to count the items. I measured it by taking the items out of the 20 boxes and filled them into two wagons, which made the counting really easy.
What I would change for this test-setup nowadays:
- Make the timer more exact. Perhaps we can use the train, which gives an more exact timer than belts. Or (much better!) use a mod. I think there is a mod with a timer? But found none.
- change the counting to something more elegant: Instead of wagons just an logistic network?
- Create a better state-engine: Preheating, Running, Counting, Reset.
- Enabling testing nifty stuff, like: Is there a difference, when placed one tile off (see ... s/Priority), or having two inputs or outputs...
- Avoid any manual intervention after the test drive is set up. This was with my measurements always the biggest source of errors. For example: Faster reset, cause it tooks a while to empty the wagons and I emptied it sometimes by hand.
- Make a short timer, 10 seconds are good enough to test the test.
- Run several tests at once (blueprints).