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Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are ☸

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:18 pm
by Yaua
I just wanted to suggest one small thing. If it already have been debated or said, I'm really sorry (I tried to take a look on the forum, but haven't found it).

It would be great to enable the player to see the actual status of his electric networks wherever he is (like when you push the "P" key to see the "production statistics") without needing to be close to it (may be I didn't saw the key doing this already XD). Being able to control and switch between your different electric networks to see how things are going for each of them (and eventually, furthermore, more easily "control" them if you have smart electric networks (as talked here : ... ric#p58371)).

That's all :)

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 8:46 pm
by beny166
I think that its a good idea, but the only problem might be when you have more than 1 electric network

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:00 pm
by ssilk
Well, you might have many networks. I have in one of my save about 20 and I'm sure there are players, which have much more.

And this number will be growing very much (!), once you will be able to control the power of a network via CCNet. Cause then it just makes sense to split your networks into many, and not as not to join all networks.

But generally spoken: might be quite useful, if the networks are sortable (size, connections, generated power, used power etc. etc)

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:33 am
by Koub
ssilk wrote:But generally spoken: might be quite useful, if the networks are sortable (size, connections, generated power, used power etc. etc)
I would add if you can name your networks to help you recognize them, and why not, add a feature to see the network you're hovering above in your network list with an overlay on the map/screen.

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:58 am
by immibis
What if you could mouse over any building and press a button to see that building's electric network?

Or: make it the GUI for things without GUIs (like accumulators and steam engines), and for things with GUIs have a button to switch to the electric network info.

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:51 pm
by Yaua
ssilk wrote:Well, you might have many networks.
It's in the same time one of the reason of my suggestion (to be able to see easily if every of your networks are fine, even far from them), and one of the difficulty in putting it in the game (I fully agree it isn't an easy suggestion).
I was thinking about a network "status menu" with may be tabs to simply switch between your networks. The same than the actual electric network status screen, but with tabs, and that you can access everywhere. And the ability to name the networks would be great.

But that leads me to another idea : there may be a small object/batiment that you must build and attach to the electric network you want to be able to see (and may be manipulate, being able to switch this network on/off far away from it for example).
Or you can filter the conditions of electric networks you would be able to see. (like "see the electric networks producing/consuming more/less than.... kW, with more than ... solar panels, for which production < consumption in last minute/during night, etc.)(this are just ideas, I don't necessarily want all this to be possible, it would be really hard to implement all I think ;) )
ssilk wrote:But generally spoken: might be quite useful, if the networks are sortable (size, connections, generated power, used power etc. etc)
Koub wrote:I would add if you can name your networks to help you recognize them, and why not, add a feature to see the network you're hovering above in your network list with an overlay on the map/screen.
That's exactly kind of things I was thinking about ! :)

May be could the game simply limit the electric networks that we would be able to see (like the 10 biggests electric networks ?) ?
May be link this idea to the one of the object you have to build with your electric network (for example a "Electric network data transmitter") that would enable you to see the ten electric networks for which you build this object (the object must be build for each network). There could be a red and a green electric network data transmitter. It would limit a lot the number of networks you can check and manipulate, and help the player to categorize his networks (and help him to check them).

These are just ideas. And I was initially thinking that beeing able to see electric networks infos everywhere like production would be helpful, and logic, because we already are able to see production infos everywhere (which is usefull).
ssilk wrote:once you will be able to control the power of a network via CCNet.
CCNet ? What's this ?
immibis wrote:What if you could mouse over any building and press a button to see that building's electric network?

Or: make it the GUI for things without GUIs (like accumulators and steam engines), and for things with GUIs have a button to switch to the electric network info.
My idea was to be able to be far from the network you want to check (and even may be manipulateit if there were the ability to manipulate them from distance), so it wouldn't help for this (or may be I haven't really understood your idea ? It's possible ^^")

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 10:13 pm
by ssilk

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:20 pm
by Yaua
ssilk wrote:CCnet is Circuit network. ... it_network
Oh yes, of course !


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 6:25 am
by ssilk
Userstory: ... 01#pr69204 and first post
Prerequisites: complete.
Game-value: Needed with 0.12, cause with extended circuit network (switching whole networks on/off) you will loose overview.
Developer-costs: a new info screen.
User-opinions: Obvious.

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:39 pm
by pyrolytic_tungsten
Yaua wrote: But that leads me to another idea : there may be a small object/batiment that you must build and attach to the electric network you want to be able to see (and may be manipulate, being able to switch this network on/off far away from it for example).
I can get behind something that must be attached to an electric network (with a wire like a pole because just being in a powered area can be ambiguous when there are overlapping areas) to show stats remotely for an electric network. I run with the smart circuit systems mod so I already have a few sections of my main grid that get turned off at night as well as using the electric switch to control backup generator inserter power(on an independent grid).

Re: Be able to see your electric networks wherever you are ☸

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:40 pm
by ssilk
This suggestion is already added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=19987 More Game Information (Statistics, Monitoring, Graphs)

Moved out of backlog.