Parts of a factory can be simulated, if the conditions that influence that part have very specific values. E.g. input belts needs to be fully compressed, and many more. In that case it is safe to switch to a simulation.
Long read:
Well, I think this is a way we should think about deeper.
What I’m thinking here is also Factorissimo, but instead of just one building it should have the “real size”.
So what I see here are some possible solutions, which would simulate a realistic production process for very large quantities but switch back to the realistic simulation for low quantities.
How could that be done?
First I think about the concept of factory-streets. Like a gigantic smelting array. This can be simulated very exactly. See for example the max rate calculator
But it needs a lot of preconditions to make sure, the simulation is always exact:
- all input belts are always compressed
- enough free space on output belts to put items on
- inserter are fast enough to feed/empty the smelters
- there is no complex belt stuff, like when it is possible that two different items could be on one lane
- same is with mixed input lanes. As soon as another item on a lane is imputed it needs to switch back to simulation.
- there are no circuits involved
- there is always 100% power available (well I think this can be simulated up to some degree)
- pipes are never filled below some level X
- player is not changing anything inside that factory street are
- the theoretical input/output is equal to the current input/output
- and of course some more preconditions.
You see it’s difficult to achieve those conditions so I would like to introduce a “factory-street-area”. Normally this area is hidden with some kind of industrial roof (game doesn’t need to simulate the inside), but when the player enters, the roof becomes transparent. When you want to built inside such an area the factory street switches to the normal mode and everything behaves as it should. You can then built inside the factory street, but you cannot built some constructions. For example you accidentally side-insert a different item into a belt-lane. You cannot do circuits, or you forgot to power a device.
But when you go outside and the above conditions are meet, then it switches to simulation mode after a while. After a while means: the theoretical input/output needs to be more or less equal to the current measured input/output.
And as soon as one condition isn’t meet anymore the factory street switches back to normal mode. That is likely, if the output is blocked or not enough input comes in, or if power fails. But for those cases that input is missing or output is blocked it’s already so, that the inserters and entities go to sleep. So not too much CPU used. The factory street covers only the case, when it is running with full speed.
So what does this bring?
- useless if you only have one factory street, because if you want to change the layout everything is as before. You need to built many streets.
- useless if you are not capable to supply a FS with a constant stream of material. This is an interesting task.
- And this is also a moment, where a factory street could be an advantage for the player: lets say the FS works and it is able to switch to simulation mode. What if the player then is able to increase the speed or productivity etc with modules? The modules work only in the simulated mode. ... not thought to the end but that could be the moment when you really want to build this.
- also useless, if you don’t need so much output...
- ... which is a quite interesting logistic task to build that so, that the factory street is either working in simulated mode or is turned off, because that takes much control from outside. This makes it also much easier to switch off the power, if nothing is produced anymore.
But for the case that the preconditions are meet, and you have many factory streets working in simulation, this should be a real bringer! And it would enable much, much bigger factories than now.
If this is also combined with some boxing mod, like deadlocks ... es-loaders which enables to produce with boxed items, then I think factor 10-100 bigger factories should be possible.
I think for many players that would be a really good argument.