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Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 3:06 am
by online7up1
Add wait condition: "Await further instruction" :lol:
Title said it
I’ve been dealing with this problem for 4-5 years. When I click "▶" to move a train to a designated stop, the train goes to that stop, but when I assign multiple stops without any conditions (because I’m working on configuring a train), it arrives at the first stop and then moves on to the next stop, which is not my intention.

I made an error, but it’s okay; I will fix it. I need to order the train back and then switch to manual control or something… my bad. I’ve been doing this for a few years now since (as I remember, I first started playing the game around version 0.16) <--- and it’s okay to keep doing so...

But this time, when I did the same thing with the space platform, it took a few minutes to travel from the planet to Nauvis (under the condition that its turrets were damaged, chemical plants was destroyed, and it had very little fuel). I anticipated that it would be a difficult trip, but I couldn’t wait to watch for it to arrive, so I did something else. After a while, I saw it flying away from Nauvis with an empty fuel tank in the middle of the trip. Urrggggg, everything was destroyed, and I couldn’t take it anymore, so I started to cry. Is there any way you can help players avoid this situation better?

Re: Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 7:47 am
by quineotio
Add the condition "passenger present"... or absent if you're on board.

Re: Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 9:05 am
by myridium
Yeah it's weird they still haven't implemented this. They've done so much work on the rails but never implemented this obviously-needed feature which I'm sure almost everyone wants at some point.

I use "Passenger present" AND "Passenger not present" as a hotfix.

I wouldn't hold your breath on a proper implementation.

Re: Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:15 am
by Riyshn
Set the leave condition to "Circuit condition", but don't actually define what condition it's looking for; this will create a condition that will never happen naturally, so the train/platform will stay at that stop until you manually interfere.

For example, this is what the conditions on my "ferry me around the solar system" platform look like:
image_2024-11-03_060605077.png (71.43 KiB) Viewed 466 times

Re: Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:00 am
by runamucker
Riyshn wrote: Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:15 am Set the leave condition to "Circuit condition", but don't actually define what condition it's looking for
Yep. "Circuit condition" is the top of the list of train wait conditions so it's easy to set a condition that will never be True.

Re: Suggestion: Add wait condition: "Await further instruction"

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2024 9:52 am
by IsaacOscar
I do the same for the "enabled" condition on machines to turn them off without having to deconstruct them.