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[2.0.10] Inconsistent Wait Condition Naming

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2024 1:18 pm
by Meddleman
This is not a *bug* per se, or even specific to 2.0.10 or even 2.0 for that matter. This issue has been around a while.
Could also simply be a localisation issue for specifically english.

Discussed briefly in the discord's #train-help, specifically for "Cargo" / "Item Count" it might be worth using stricter and consistent naming of Wait Conditions between the "Picked List" and "Selection List"
Especially now that several new Wait Conditions have been introduced.
Picked & Selection List Side-by-Side.jpg
Picked & Selection List Side-by-Side.jpg (88.36 KiB) Viewed 214 times

Code: Select all

| Selection List String  | Picked List String                | Inconsistency                      |
| Circuit condition      | Circuit {{ *condition* }}         | ℹ️ Minor, picked is shorter        |
| Empty cargo            | Empty cargo inventory             | ℹ️ Minor, picked is **longer**     |
| Fluid count            | Fluid {{ *condition* }}           | ℹ️ Minor, picked is shorter        |
| Fuel (all locomotives) | Fuel (all) {{ *condition* }}      | ℹ️ Minor, picked is shorter        |
| Fuel (any locomotive)  | Fuel (any) {{ *condition* }}      | ℹ️ Minor, picked is shorter        |
| Full cargo             | Full cargo inventory              | ℹ️ Minor, picked is **longer**     |
| Full fuel              | All locomotives fully fueled      | ❌ Major, wordy and **longer**     |
| Has cargo              | Has cargo in inventory            | ℹ️ Minor, picked is **longer**     |
| Inactivity             | {{ *param* }} of inactivity       | ✅ None, picked slightly **longer**|
| Item count             | Cargo {{ condition }}             | ❌ Major, shorter, mismatching     |
| Passenger not present  | Passenger not present             | ✅ None                            |
| Passenger present      | Passenger not present             | ✅ None                            |
| Station is full        | {{ *not specified* }} is full     | ✅ None                            |
| Station is not full    | {{ *not specified* }} is not full | ✅ None                            |
| Time passed            | {{ *param* }} passed              | ✅ None                            |
Furthermore while on the topic, since all text fields in the game support the Factorio Rich Text, would it be worth
  • Adding some form of leading icon or graphic identifier to contextually matching Wait Conditions, ie. the fuel or cargo parameter icons come to mind for those specific conditions.
  • Grouping contextually matching Wait Conditions within the selection options list such as those specifically for fuel, those for cargo volume, passengers, station-fullness. Again, especially now that several new Wait Conditions have been introduced.