SoShootMe wrote: Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:31 pm
What do you see as the benefits of the current default "5s passed"
condition for temporary stops vs "Switch to manual"?
The only thing I can see you described (in this thread at least) is that you can add a
condition to additionally require
passenger present, to get behaviour that the train waits until you enter it again, then immediately goes back to base. I think that's a small benefit and a fairly narrow use case. It saves no actions and only the time to open the train window and click Automatic, and it only works if you are paying attention in the five second window (likely only for a relatively short journey) and know ahead of time you will want to return to base (fairly likely I guess).
The benefits are the forgiving nature of the current state of things (imo) things go back to previous if you forgot something rather than blocking. It is not so good for personnal train or requesting train full of material in some cases, but maybe/i suspect, in others cases that could be revelead when using the mod that maybe one forgot that train with its temporary stop. It is very unlikely for your own personnal train in which you are currently

but giving my preference of requesting a train of material, it would lead to problems of train forgotten somewhere in the cases when 'im not looking/waiting at the train to arrive to me with those modules i forgot impatiently, in which case the 5sec default is just fine , i do not even open train gui again.
I also use temporary train stops to remote control trains on the map, to fix any signaling mistake or blueprint misprinted , or those situation where i would have to re select the train after it made its little move to put it back on automatic.
The small benefit for fairly narrow use case is my personnal experience to make up the most out of the existing state, which for my use cases is also not perfect, as i forget things often, in which case the train full of material goes back to its home base, which is why i'm also interested by the suggestion, as the lighter version, the pseudo-
condition "switch to manual" would be an improvement for me, as it would make selecting a "never met
condition" faster, instead of choosing, fluid count, then a fluid then a quantity, or circuit
condition, then a signal, then a number or operator, instead it would be one click, to select "switch to manual" which is also even faster than choosing 2
condition than cannot be met at the same time, like what OP is mentionning "
passenger present" AND "
passenger not present"
there are more elaborate way to deal with train request than using temporary stops , one could also have those special supply train set up with 2 station on schedule , their base and another station called "request1" 2,3,4 and so on with any kind of pre-recorded
condition. "request1" station should not exist on the map, only in the train schedule. This way to request a train, you build a physical temporary train stop that you will remove later, you place a train stop called "request1" or "request4" for other train called, this on a temporary rail extension. As a way to make the request and knowing it will sit somewhere (and not just 5sec). It has similar effect as what the suggestion is wishing to achieve considering the idea that one uses temporary stops to request train of material requiring a bit more initial set-up but allowing to get a blueprint book with the different name of request things, or just if you have a good memory, it completely remove the need to search the train on the map or in a list. I used this a lot more before temporary stops but it is still a pleasant system to play
Yet overall it's not perfect, not every material is into train from the start, this is why i'm interested in the suggestion, even if not necessarily to have it as a defaut