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[MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:04 pm
by Susucr


Add a Wagon-Turret that has the exact behaviour you can expect: moving on rail like a wagon a shooting like a gun turret on enemies. The turret can be recharged via inserters like a cargo (but only on the center of the wagon).

Type: Mod
Name: Combat Trains
Description: Add Wagon Turrets
License: Public Domain
Version: 0.0.2
Release: 2016-03-04 (version 0.12.24)
Category: Item
(15.06 KiB) Downloaded 981 times
Future Possible Improvements
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Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:31 pm
by ZombieMooose
awesome work

downloading now

Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:52 am
by Susucr
Version 0.0.2 out!
I decided on having a lone turret on a small wagon. Because it let the user chose himself the ratio of cargo/turrets for each train.
I have removed the entire wagon sprite because of that. it looks a little disconnected from the train (especially on horizontal rails), and i will maybe try to improve that.
Added a horribly looking tech icon too.

Next i will add accumulators and lasers!

Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 6:56 am
by Porter65
It seems a very nice mod. I admit though that not having the turrets on a tiny plausible wagon detracts me from the mod.

Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 9:02 pm
by Kazaanh
Tested this, absolutely nice.

But there are few problems.

*First the gun turret sprite seems to overlap with train wagon texture.
*Trying to manually put ammo is kinda tricky at the beginning but it works once you figure it out, highlight area is too small. You mentioned it already so its alright, not a really big problem.
*Insterters only put up to 12 ammo? Its kinda low especially with the late game upgrades when your gun turrets burn through the ammo very quick, they should be able to fill gun-wagons to at least 100 or fill it completely , since there are 4 slots?
*Gun turret sprite slighly *runs away* from the wagon at the high speeds?

Since I am a aesthetics guys and I honestly dislike any kind of recolored official art or ugly ass sprites maybe you should consider using these sprites from the 5dim mod? viewtopic.php?f=15&t=13859#p94606 , there is hella sexy empty wagon so it would look absolutely amazing with gun/tesla turets which ofc are vanilla animated . I really hate static non-animated turrets, it adds a bit of immersion if you know what I mean.

If you manage somehow to put these sprites and replace the cargo wagon , I will love you forever ( no homo btw )

And also speaking about the future updates? Tesla turrets, maybe make them use ammo too? Something like Power Cell ( you need to craft if by using few batteries and some iron plates or sth ) ,a single power cell would work just like the normal gun turret ammo but single ammo would last a lot longer than smg ammo.

Cheers and keep working on this amazing mod~

Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:30 pm
by Ben Vagan
Even tho it's still wip this mod is really fun, it hads a lot of new possibilities just by using standard turret wagons.

I bet it will be even more awesome after the laser turret update and adding compatibility with other turret mods might also be a good idea.

[quote=Kazaanh]*First the gun turret sprite seems to overlap with train wagon texture.
*Trying to manually put ammo is kinda tricky at the beginning but it works once you figure it out, highlight area is too small. You mentioned it already so its alright, not a really big problem.
*Insterters only put up to 12 ammo? Its kinda low especially with the late game upgrades when your gun turrets burn through the ammo very quick, they should be able to fill gun-wagons to at least 100 or fill it completely , since there are 4 slots?
*Gun turret sprite slighly *runs away* from the wagon at the high speeds?[/quote]

I completly agree with this suggestions tho, how you are going to change the current sprite it's not a problem, I just think it's something that must be done!

Re: [MOD 0.12.24]Combat Trains

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:56 pm
by Kazaanh
It seems this mod is abandoned but it didn't stopped me anyways from trying to edit it.


Looks way better and more immersive, there are some problems with models transparency because turret vanishes sometimes ( no idea why iam just beginner modder, JUST barely started modding ) and turret is quite small if you compare it to the wagon.

This what I always dreamed of.