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[0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.25

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 11:21 pm
by darkshadow1809
Hi there!

Doublespin and me are happy to announce the first and hopefully stable release of Replicators :)

A quick walkthrough & introduction of the changes.

We revamped, balanced and added onto the mod as much as we could :) even adding mod support for Dytech! You are now able to not only replicate vanilla items. but also the modded ores from Dytech!
In the future we plan to have all big mods out there supported. So you can replicate the ores from them aswell!
Also we added a bunch of vanilla recipes to the mix for you to enjoy! Now replicators dont create things out of thin air. Instead you create things from creatine. You will need to pump this in the replicator :)

Theres some more things out there to enjoy but we will leave it up to you to find out ;) !


What does this mod do exactly?

Well quite simple :) ! It replicates certain items! Say you dont have enough copper right? but loads of creatine! well thats a simple fix! just hook up a creatine pump to a replicator and pump that creatine in there simply select the recipe for copper and it will start making you copper! its that simple. This mod also offers to go straight for clean power :) Using solar panels & accumulators instead of those gross steam engines! however ofcourse solar panels have a lower output in energy production at first! Research it to get better solars! this goes for everything!

Whats the goal of this mod?

The goal of this mod is to have an additional way of creating items. In such a fashion that you wont need to leave your base ever to create outposts. No you can just sit there. Mass up creatine storage & replicate out everything you need! To OP? Maybe.. However creatine doesnt run out. but will only have 10% of its total output it had remain after a certain while. The more you pump. the less will remain. This means your production will be staggering if your creatine deposits degrade! Ofcourse you could also find rare earth :) and in exchange for rare earth smelt it down to creatine in a replicator! theres a lot of things you can do with this mod! and even offers mod support for bigger mods :) Only Dytech for now! just go ahead and experiment! Its the best explanation there is.

Additional info:

Thanks to doublespin being so amazing at coding :) He included a handy to use config file!
Doublespins config file location and options

Compatible with factorio version 0.11.22: ... gy74a?dl=0

Have a bug?
We will fix it ofcourse ;) ! But first please check these requirements.

- A detailed log post (If available)

- Use decent english! Not broken. This wont get you anywhere unfortunately :/ its hard for us to understand you if we don't know whats wrong!

- Post pictures of your issue!

- Post the exact error message as displayed (If applicable)

If you just keep to those simple rules we will be able to help you much faster and ofcourse understand it better :) !

Thank you and enjoy the factorizing!

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 1:14 am
by darkshadow1809
Alright dev version complete.. Mostly all important recipes for structural and important things are replicatable now. :) Making quite decent progress!

Thanks to Doublespin for helping me on this mod :) Also now that we have the balancing done we can start working on the liquid! This mod will be finished and fully revamped in 1-2 weeks :)

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 1:28 am
by daniel34
darkshadow1809 wrote:2. Liquid for the replicators to actually not make items out of "thin air" *In progress*
How would that liquid work? Currently, the mod just allows to turn electric energy into items, like iron plates needs 800 KW and 3,5 seconds for each plate.
That was the reason the mod was created, and it was balanced by introducing solar panels MK 1..5, giving a lot of energy.

You could add some "raw matter" liquid that is processed by the Replicators and makes them into items, but what is this liquid made of? The easiest way would be rare earth, and since it's endless it would kinda make sense. It also might be created from a newly introduced resource (liquid or or) or from currently available items, like iron ore, or coal/solid fuel. But the original intention of the replication mod is to directly convert electric energy into items, therefore increasing pollution and attracting biters/spitters. Actually, the goal of the mod was to be able to finish the game using only energy and assemblers that use the items created by replicators, without the need to rely on any other resources, because you can always replicate them if needed.
darkshadow1809 wrote:4. balance time of making items. Decreased drastically cause to OP *Done*
I assume you use the version from ... 248#p84238, which increases the time necessary for crafting an item. If it's consistent with vanilla crafting time for these items, I agree with that.
Doublespin wrote:-research time and needed materials are increased for every research, espacially for the later ones
I hope you don't make the gap between research that needs rare earth + magnets and research that needs magnets + superconductors even bigger, because most of them need 2x100 of each item and this step already means that you'll need 5x the amount of rare earth.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:22 pm
by darkshadow1809
daniel34 wrote:
darkshadow1809 wrote:2. Liquid for the replicators to actually not make items out of "thin air" *In progress*
How would that liquid work? Currently, the mod just allows to turn electric energy into items, like iron plates needs 800 KW and 3,5 seconds for each plate.
That was the reason the mod was created, and it was balanced by introducing solar panels MK 1..5, giving a lot of energy.

You could add some "raw matter" liquid that is processed by the Replicators and makes them into items, but what is this liquid made of? The easiest way would be rare earth, and since it's endless it would kinda make sense. It also might be created from a newly introduced resource (liquid or or) or from currently available items, like iron ore, or coal/solid fuel. But the original intention of the replication mod is to directly convert electric energy into items, therefore increasing pollution and attracting biters/spitters. Actually, the goal of the mod was to be able to finish the game using only energy and assemblers that use the items created by replicators, without the need to rely on any other resources, because you can always replicate them if needed.
darkshadow1809 wrote:4. balance time of making items. Decreased drastically cause to OP *Done*
I assume you use the version from ... 248#p84238, which increases the time necessary for crafting an item. If it's consistent with vanilla crafting time for these items, I agree with that.
Doublespin wrote:-research time and needed materials are increased for every research, espacially for the later ones
I hope you don't make the gap between research that needs rare earth + magnets and research that needs magnets + superconductors even bigger, because most of them need 2x100 of each item and this step already means that you'll need 5x the amount of rare earth.

I was gonna send you a very very detailed response. However my computer decided to close the browser ._. took almost an hour to take screenshots and explain everything.

However I do notice you're quite worried on how were gonna take the mod and change it to a different kind of approach.

Yes we are changing a lot and fundementals are staying the same. However theres going to be A LOT of changes and were adding onto the mod. Almost getting every essential vanilla recipe in there. get mod support. new buildings + a whole rebalancing of the whole mod. Don't worry research costs stay the same :)

Were not gonna fuck this up :P were gonna fix this :) Take my word for it. Your gonna be quite surprised what we have in store!

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:15 pm
by Doublespin
daniel34 wrote:You could add some "raw matter" liquid that is processed by the Replicators and makes them into items, but what is this liquid made of? The easiest way would be rare earth, and since it's endless it would kinda make sense. It also might be created from a newly introduced resource (liquid or or) or from currently available items, like iron ore, or coal/solid fuel. But the original intention of the replication mod is to directly convert electric energy into items, therefore increasing pollution and attracting biters/spitters. Actually, the goal of the mod was to be able to finish the game using only energy and assemblers that use the items created by replicators, without the need to rely on any other resources, because you can always replicate them if needed.
Basicaly this is what we did. THe mod author also mentioned he wanted keep the mining aspect, so the additional liquid is just the mining of liquid. Nevertheless i can understand that some people dont want that and i want that everyone has fun playing the mod. So i will add an config option to turn off the liquid system, as well as some other parts of the mod. Small e-furnace,.... So no one has to go through the code to modify the mod to their needs.
daniel34 wrote:
darkshadow1809 wrote:4. balance time of making items. Decreased drastically cause to OP *Done*
I assume you use the version from ... 248#p84238, which increases the time necessary for crafting an item. If it's consistent with vanilla crafting time for these items, I agree with that.
I tried to calculate the time so they represent the time a player would need to mine the ressoucrses to smelt and process them(even though a player cant do that) and at the end to craft everything. This is what i did in 0.2.2. now i extended the items by a complexity system. Based on this the time will be increased a litte. Because you dont need the infrastructure to produce them.

And there will be some other things which will change.
One is that you will produce liquids in the replicator instead of the chemical plant.
replicator.png (107.32 KiB) Viewed 34266 times

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:29 am
by Degraine
Doublespin wrote:
daniel34 wrote:You could add some "raw matter" liquid that is processed by the Replicators and makes them into items, but what is this liquid made of? The easiest way would be rare earth, and since it's endless it would kinda make sense. It also might be created from a newly introduced resource (liquid or or) or from currently available items, like iron ore, or coal/solid fuel. But the original intention of the replication mod is to directly convert electric energy into items, therefore increasing pollution and attracting biters/spitters. Actually, the goal of the mod was to be able to finish the game using only energy and assemblers that use the items created by replicators, without the need to rely on any other resources, because you can always replicate them if needed.
Basicaly this is what we did. THe mod author also mentioned he wanted keep the mining aspect, so the additional liquid is just the mining of liquid. Nevertheless i can understand that some people dont want that and i want that everyone has fun playing the mod. So i will add an config option to turn off the liquid system, as well as some other parts of the mod. Small e-furnace,.... So no one has to go through the code to modify the mod to their needs.


And there will be some other things which will change.
One is that you will produce liquids in the replicator instead of the chemical plant.
The attachment replicator.png is no longer available
I am deeply disappointed that no-one here picked up the obvious connection.
Kane Lives.jpg
Kane Lives.jpg (19.56 KiB) Viewed 34221 times

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 0.2.3

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:58 am
by darkshadow1809
So far so good.

Just a quick update. We are now expanding the mod with additional entities and some code to autodetect mods and add recipes for them (bit more complicated then we thought)

What is their to expect in the near future? (Probably)

1. Replicators do now autodetect new ores and add a recipe to duplicate + a technology. (modded ores etc)
2. We now have a Mass - E - Furnace and working on a triple smelting recipe so 3 ores can be smelted at once. ( Bit hard to do because factorio doesnt really allow this )
3. New power array station which consumes power but powers an area of 50x50 - 70x70? (Balancing ofc needed)
4. We have the liquids working now + a whole new production chain :)
5. We kept to a certain extend of the original mod but still revamping and redoing a lot of parts that could've been done better :) ! (To our opinion ofcourse)

Any cool idea's you might want to add? Please tell us we'd love to hear your thoughts!

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:18 pm
by darkshadow1809
Doublespin and me are proud to release the newly revamped Replicators 1.0.22!

Enjoy guys :) We hope you like it!

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:14 pm
by orzelek
I'm using the 0.2.3 still and have question.
The small electric furnace has 2 module slots - any idea which modules can be placed in them?

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 3:35 pm
by darkshadow1809
orzelek wrote:I'm using the 0.2.3 still and have question.
The small electric furnace has 2 module slots - any idea which modules can be placed in them?
Please update :p We do not support the 0.2.3 version anymore. as this was done by another author. Probably any module would fit in there. just as any other machine :p not sure tho.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:21 pm
by Doublespin
But if you update, your replicators will overlap if you placed side by side.
For the liquid system the size of the replicators increased to 3x3. They should work but will look ugly :)

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 4:47 pm
by orzelek
I can try to update but not sure how it will break everything.
Might do a save and try to swap replicators in modpack :D

In latest version small electric furnace is still missing allowed_effects tag = no modules will fit into it :D

2nd Edit:
There is no migration so one needs to call those two after upgrade:

Code: Select all

And redo all the chains :D

Other then that it seems to be working.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:12 pm
by Doublespin
Nothing should break... probably :) but a backup is a good idea :P
The changes for the replication time shouldnt be too large.
I will fix the the modules :D

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:39 pm
by orzelek
My first impression after replace is totally different. Small furnaces being slower I agree on.
Replication on the other hand - it went from easy and costly wood replicated where I need it to very costly wood with a lot of hassle (piping) - I'm switching to oil and synth wood or treefarm asap.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:47 pm
by darkshadow1809
orzelek wrote:My first impression after replace is totally different. Small furnaces being slower I agree on.
Replication on the other hand - it went from easy and costly wood replicated where I need it to very costly wood with a lot of hassle (piping) - I'm switching to oil and synth wood or treefarm asap.

Replication as it its now. Is for the things you MISS.. not neccesarily a replacement of. thats why you dont wanna replicate wood :P defo not. Best to use this mod within combination of another mod :p The replicators will be costly to use but definitely a handy tool when theres no other resource around. or easily obtainable for that matter :) Sorry to disappoint you on the wood tho :P But yeh treefarm should definitely fix your issue haha :P

Also do see the config file. you can disable creatine. :) If that really bothers you. Its what doublespin has made it for after all.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.22

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:52 pm
by Doublespin
I never used replicators to produce wood :)
So you think wood needs to much energy/time? Is it only wood or the otehr stuff too?
If you dont like the piping, then feel free to deactivate the creatine system :)

For the case you have dytech installed: Wait with the deactivation it will throw an error. I forgot to change the code for the one dytech recipe.

the next version will should fix it

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.23

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:31 pm
by orzelek
I have the shadows mod pack and replaced replicators in it.

Pipes are bad.. not sure if treefarm is worse or not due to it's cpu apetite ;)

Creatine basically adds at least 50% to cost if not more - since you need to run replicators to create it and also mine for rare earth.
If I'd use new version from start I wouldn't replicate wood - and as last resort tool to make resources you can't find replication would work. If you can't get it then much more costly way to get it is ok.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.23

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 9:12 pm
by Doublespin
1.0.23 is ready to download.
If you start a new world then there would be creatine wells so you dont have to use rare earth to make creatine.
So if you play a savegame you dont have access to the wells, so i would really recommend to disable the creatine system.

But its nice that it works in the mega modpack without an error :D

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.23

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:16 pm
by orzelek
Doublespin wrote:1.0.23 is ready to download.
If you start a new world then there would be creatine wells so you dont have to use rare earth to make creatine.
So if you play a savegame you dont have access to the wells, so i would really recommend to disable the creatine system.

But its nice that it works in the mega modpack without an error :D
Ahh thats the trick. Then something is wrong in RSO detection system for unsupported resources since it did not complain about those. I'll need to look into it.

Re: [0.11.22] Replicators 1.0.23

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 12:22 am
by Polymorph
I really, really want to enjoy this mod. I find the replicators themselves to be pretty nice (especially the new creatine system), the solar panels and other stuff are easily disabled which is great for running multiple mods with overlapping content, however what I really don't like is starting with everything needed to replicate straight from the beginning, both in the items you're given as well as research wise. It looks like you already have decent values for the research, so I'd be satisfied if there was a config option that disables the research being auto unlocked as well as a separate one for the initial items being handed out.

Edit: Bug report for 1.0.23, you don't need the creatine replication research to replicate creatine.