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Allow disabling of power pole auto-connect in clipboard and blueprints

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:00 am
by Squelch
Provide a setting or keybinding to prevent auto-connection of power poles when pasting from clipboard, or blueprints.

What ?
Use the same behaviour that the map editor clone tool uses. This could default to the current behaviour of auto-connect, but allow players to choose whether it is disabled.
Previous queries and mentions concerning this behaviour:
  1. Place power poles without wires?
  2. [0.17.79] Overlapping electric networks can cause increased power draw - Reproduction steps provided by myself.
  3. Option: disable auto-connect for a power pole - Similar request, but power pole specific.
  4. an idea for fixing auto-connecting power-pole problems - Similar, but has several suggestions in one, and does not follow the template so probably overlooked.
  5. power and blueprints workaround - doesn't seem to get the message across.
  6. Toggle autoconnection and power suply of power poles - Old suggestion that pretty much mirrors this one except for the mention of clones.
  7. [urll=viewtopic.php?f=11&t=27456][0.14] [kovarex] Power Switch blueprint doesn't remember power line positions[/url] - Old bug report, turned feature request made prior to current blueprint handling.
  8. About Cables and Wires / Make Wires Free / Power Poles Contain Cables - The granddaddy thread that this suggestion will probably end up in.
  9. Probably many others that will need searching out ...
Why ?
When pasting from clipboard, or placing blueprints, auto-connect is active and invariably causes carefully laid out power networks to make undesirable connections. Players then have to rework the network to regain the original functionality. I was under the impression that this behaviour was immutable, but a recent discovery in a bug report would indicate that this entirely possible. The map editor clone tool does not have auto-connect active, so makes a true and exact copy of the original power entities and connections. This is exactly the behaviour I would desire in the main game.

This behaviour has always been a hot topic, but with the recently improved UI for copy/paste and blueprint handling, combined with the map editor behaviour makes this fresh request salient though not unique.

Re: Allow disabling of power pole auto-connect in clipboard and blueprints

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:48 am
by ssilk
This points also to the thing, that you can choose how a bp should be printed only, if it is a bp, and not in clipboard.

For completeness

coloured power poles
network masks
Option to Lock Power Poles Against Auto-connection

Re: Allow disabling of power pole auto-connect in clipboard and blueprints

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:36 am
by Squelch
ssilk wrote: Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:48 am This points also to the thing, that you can choose how a bp should be printed only, if it is a bp, and not in clipboard.

For completeness

coloured power poles
network masks
Option to Lock Power Poles Against Auto-connection
Thanks for the link-backs.

I had intended to add them this morning, but you beat me to it. It would seem that you also predicted the gap between BPs and clipboard and the need for a control too from your comment.