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You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 2:19 pm
by Lightning_Bird
A bit of challange from mods like DyTech War, Natural Evolution, Swarm etc.
A bit of complexity from mods like Bob's mods, Angels mods etc.
A bit of exploration from Rso mod.
A bit of other small addons to sweetewn the whole.
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 7:08 pm
by SlyJacob
You need to post proper link, this one is wrong. (you probably took it from your direct search bar instead of share link)
Otherwise, woah.. This combination of mods. Definetaly a challenge, will try!
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 11:49 pm
by Lightning_Bird
SlyJacob wrote:You need to post proper link, this one is wrong. (you probably took it from your direct search bar instead of share link)
Otherwise, woah.. This combination of mods. Definetaly a challenge, will try!
Damn, thanks for pointing that out! Dunno why I didn't share that one.
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:01 am
by sporefreak
A text list aswell as links to the mods would be great!
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 11:19 am
by jestemrozem
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 12:54 pm
by Lightning_Bird
Pamiętam, że zmieniałem recepty i dane technologi ponieważ, jak wyżej przedstawiłeś, mody wchodziły w konflikt.
Zaraz to naprawię i odświeżę link do paczki. Dla was wrzucę naprawione pliki w tym poście.
Ps. Paczka w 100% wspiera język polski
I remember that I changed those recipes and technologies to make it so mods don't get in conflict with each other.
I will fix that in no time. I will refresh mod pack link and post repaired files in this post.
Ok. Gotowe / It is done.
Replace this : and everything will be okay.
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 5:37 pm
by jestemrozem
Dzieki teraz działa
Thanks its now working ! use this files to fix some problems with recipes
greetings !
masz skype'a
? albo jakiegos tsa
ale dalej cos jest zle, bo z saphritu recipy nie akceptuja crushed stune, tylko z stiratitu, taki byl zamysl ? ;p
Re: You can find it cool Mod Pack
Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 7:03 pm
by Lightning_Bird
jestemrozem wrote:
ale dalej cos jest zle, bo z saphritu recipy nie akceptuja crushed stune, tylko z stiratitu, taki byl zamysl ? ;p
Mówisz o ręcznym tworzeniu kamienia?
Jeśli tak, wtedy zakładam, że mod domyślnie wybiera tę rudę.
Nadal możesz zbierać skruszony kamień z każdej rudy i przerabiać go w kamień. Po prostu kiedy robisz to ręcznie, domyślnie (gdy brak jest skruszonego kamienia) mod wybiera ten jeden rodzaj rudy.
Takie są moje przypuszczenia