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Readout Item requested/missing in Bot network
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:59 pm
by V1irus
i tried to find a way or mod to readout any Items requested in a requesterchest. Or to go even further reading out missing items that are not available in the network.
Are there any mod or a simple Solution that im not a aware of?
Thanks in advance
Re: Readout Item requested/missing in Bot network
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 4:30 pm
by SoShootMe
Without mods (if at all), you can't read the items requested by a requester chest, but if you set the requests in a constant combinator wired to the chest and configure the chest circuit connection to "Set requests", you can also read the requests from the constant combinator.
You can read the contents of a logistic network (all logistic chests except requester chests) from a roboport. Along with the above and a couple of combinators you can find any requested items that are not present in the logistic network.
Note however this doesn't take account of what is in the requester chest, ie items may be considered missing from the network even if the request is satisfied. To avoid this, you could have an inserter unload the requester chest into eg a steel chest and set requests on the requester chest based on what's missing from the steel chest compared to the constant combinator.