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Colored Train Stop Names

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:43 pm
by PanTobi
I created Colored Names for Train stops ^_^

Thats how it looks in game on Map:
Here is how book looks inside ( it also have Square Letters ( ABC Print ) )

Now im working on Better Belts Books ^_^
Just look, thats how looks 99% Belt Balancer Books:
Thats how Colored + Special Font book look like:

Here is blueprint string:

I'm not using Trains for Coal and Oil thats why no Colored Name for Oil and Coal xD
i will fix it later :D

Well... Oil is useless to transport with Trains...
i always use Pipes its way faster and better way than Fluid Tanks

and Coal is my Special Fuel Line ^_^, just forgot about to add Coal...

Re: Colored Train Stop Names

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 7:29 am
by Impatient
looks good