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Transport belt madness solutions

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:27 pm
by wrtlprnft
I realize this is kind of a spoiler, but I'm curious as to how other people solved the final levels of transport belt madness.

These are my solutions: lv3 lv4 lv5

Has anyone found a good use (i.e. saved a significant amount of belts/tunnels) for the two long handed inserters on the last challenge?

EDIT: Since the final level is symmetric, I was pondering about a symmetric solution, but that appears to be impossible because 6 traces would compete for the central tile, and you can only cross 3 traces in a symmetric fashion (2 with the constraints imposed by the solar panels)

Re: Transport belt madness solutions

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 1:05 pm
by kovarex
I feel, like the last level is way too easy.

Re: Transport belt madness solutions

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 3:07 pm
by wrtlprnft
I've got another solution for lv4. No fast underground belts. Is that cheating? :-D

I think I could stuff about two more belts into my lv5 solution without reorganizing everything. The belts challenge is my favorite of the scenario pack, I like how it's pretty much the same thing as routing a PCB.

EDIT: Here's another one. Just one pair of tunnels and 12 fast belts :-D