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my first automated lab!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:16 am
by xjshuax
my first attempt at fueling my lab. its only a single. ill get it cleaner and more efficient, but i did it.

only been playing for a few days, looking for examples of the more efficient bases.

Re: my first automated lab!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:31 am
by -root
Well done! That first step is a big one as it teaches you the basics for the rest of the game.

Have a look on youtube, there are tons of let's play where people physically play their factory and build it before your eyes.

Re: my first automated lab!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:45 am
by sbroadbent
Suggestion is to press the 'Alt' key prior to taking screen shot to show detailed information so that we can see what each Assembler does.

Here's a compact setup I do for Science 1/2:


The best part about Factorio is that there are many ways to do things.

Re: my first automated lab!

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:59 pm
by Lee_newsum
the wiki is a good point to look for thinks and links ... =Main_Page

Re: my first automated lab!

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:28 am
by Mettalink
@sbroadbent I noticed you were using smart inserters to put gears and copper plate into an assembly machine. It turns out that you can put a fast inserter and it will grab whichever it needs. I did the exact same thing :P

Re: my first automated lab!

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:19 am
by sbroadbent
Mettalink wrote:@sbroadbent I noticed you were using smart inserters to put gears and copper plate into an assembly machine. It turns out that you can put a fast inserter and it will grab whichever it needs. I did the exact same thing :P
The Smart Inserters are there to control Production, so that I'm not overproducing and therefore wasting resources. The Smart Inserters for the Red (and Green) Science are I believe set to input if there are less than 100 Red (or Green) Science Packs in the Logistics network.

Most people put the Smart Inserters on the output of an Assembly Machine, while I prefer the input where possible.

On one factory, a mis-configured Smart Inserter produced over 4000 more Blue Science packs than I wanted produced at any one time before I discovered the error. At that point, I completely removed the Blue Science and while I didn't get around to finishing all research, I still had over a 1000 sitting in the Logistics Network before I moved onto other factories.

On a separate note, due to their production speed, Science producing Assemblers don't need anything more than a Basic Inserter.