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My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:33 pm
by Webby_Gamer
This is my very first creation, I'm fairly proud of it. The inserts and transport belts get backed up a lot, but I can't add any more assembling machines though. It's basic, it's inefficient, but it's my first, and I'm happy. Any comments or advice for my next build would be appreciated. [Edit] I changed the screenshot to show what the machines, labs, etc were making. [Edit-2] I changed some minor production things. Thanks for the positive feedback guys, I'm happy with it myself :)

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:50 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
please press ALT for the next screen. I cant figure out wich assembly does what :)

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:54 pm
by Webby_Gamer
Here, ignore the random fast belt in the middle xD.

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:03 pm
by Phillip_Lynx
Nice Job for your first resaerh setup.

But some things come to my mind :)

First, dont put your Sience Packs into a Chest. Let them stack on the belts. So, when the need arises there are Packs to grab.
Second, your ratio between red an green doesnt fit :). Make equal assembly for both.

But I like your copper setup! I myself worked sofar with a mainbus :).

And also but .... :D .... my first factory was very more cluttered and ineffectiv. So, (pats on your shoulder), nice job done.

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:04 pm
by sbroadbent
One suggestion is to press the "Alt" key to display detailed information so that it is easy for us to understand what is producing what.

It took some time for me to trace where everything goes. With that said, I've probably never seen Iron Smelting feeding directly into what I presume is a gears factory, let alone 6? Gear Factories.

As to advice for next builds, take a closer look to the time it takes to produce various components. Although these are modified as far as I know by the speed of the Assembly Machines, Gears take .5 to produce, while for instance a Red Science Pack takes 5 to build. Given this, one Gear Factory should be able to supply enough Gears for 10 Red Science Packs using similar speed Assemblers.

There's also no reason to collect Science Packs into a chest at the end of a belt, since these are now unusable by the Science Labs and you'd have to manually reload them.

Another suggestion and it may just be my preference would be to drop down to 10 Science Labs, or perhaps go up to 20. From what I've seen, excess research is 'lost' when something completes. For instance, you have 16 Labs, if you were to research something requiring say 20 research points, the first 16 would be done by all the labs, whereas the last 4 research points would be done by 4 Labs and the Science Packs used by the other 12 Labs would be lost, since they weren't required to do the research. If I'm correct, you would have consumed 32 Science Packs to research something requiring 20. The reason I suggest 10 labs is that most things things have research requirements in multiples of 10.

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:22 pm
by -root
Very nice first effort :mrgreen: Looks well organized and fairly effective!

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:30 am
You have some efficiency learning ;) but thats to be expected.

The biggest thing i notice is, you are not using teir 2 furnace (steel)
They produce x2 faster, more plates income.

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 5:30 pm
by Xterminator
Pretty good for a first time. :) better than my very first setup, that's for sure. Haha
But here are some tips. Don't put the extra packs in a chest. Just let them guilt up on the belts and the labs will take them when it's needed. As it is, putting them in a chest is either wasting them if they just sit there, or you have to manually load them into the labs which is a huge pain. :p

As other people have mentioned, pay close attention to production times of each thing. You are producing enough gears for like 50 or 60 red science machines I think. Lol also watch for bottlenecks, and a lot of the time they can be fixed by putting in fast inserters. I almost always used a fast inserter to at least load the iron into the gear factories. Sometimes to unload them too. :p

Hope some this helped, and great job so far and good luck!

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:38 pm
by Lee_newsum
one over think thay have mist out is that there is 4 Science pack
Science pack 1 (reds)
Science pack 2 (greens)
Science pack 3 (bules)
Alien science pack

all 4 have to get in to a lab :?:
have 2 lins of balts and use a Inserter and Long handed inserter to food a lab

Re: My First Research Facility

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:13 am
by roothorick
Phillip_Lynx wrote:Second, your ratio between red an green doesnt fit :). Make equal assembly for both.
Eh, close but not quite. The theoretical ratio, assuming you use tier 1 assemblers for red/green and tier 2 for blue, is 5:6:8 red-green-blue. One to one will work well enough, but there's always that plus one ;)

I never bothered optimizing purple; it takes too long to get the damn artifacts in the first place for the processing efficiency to matter.