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Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 11:41 am
by Deathmage
Saw some use in this after some of my belts whilst balanced recived uneven inputs from both sides. With my old method ineffective I have tried to create a better method. This was the smallest I could get a one lane balancer, and a 2 lane splitter and balancer. Hope this is of use to someone. If there is high enough demand I wil make a 4 lane splitter and balancer, but I need to unlock blue belt in my world for the longer underground belts :D

Edit: Helps if I remember to add half of the post

Blueprint string:

Code: Select all


Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:07 pm
by mrvn
Did you forget to attache some pics?

I'm interested in some splitter and balancers for train filling. Specifically for mines. Mines tend to have maybe 1-15 lanes of miners (mostly 3-5 I guess) filled to various (and sinking) degrees. They need to be balanced to fill 6 chests for single side loading stations and 12 chests for double sided loading stations. Having the chests balanced saves a lot of time on loading.

Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 12:44 pm
by Deathmage
Yes... Yes I did forget the only reason why I posted that... I think more tea is needed :roll:

Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 2:04 pm
by mrvn
One problem I have with balancers I've seen before is that that balance the output but not the input. Usually I have a belt running along a chain of assembler and they all take from one side of the belt. So that side moves more quickly while the other side backs up. If the backup reaches the balancer then it uses up all input on that side and suplements it with input from the other side. So usually I get 90% consumed from one side and 10% suplemented from the other or so. That leaves for example half the electronic circuit producers idle, leaving their copper belt unused, which then means one copper smelter is busy and the other idle. and so on.

I think your 2 splitter + side feeding balancer is better there than the simpler single splitter + side feed both exits version.

Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 2:22 pm
by Deathmage
Thanks. I saw more use for the two input-output, but thought someone may need the other. I did two different designs as one remains a 2 wide profile but the other is smaller length ways

Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:38 pm
by Shokubai
2 lane balancer is WAY too long.

Re: Splitter and Balancer in one

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:42 am
by mrvn
I also noticed it doesn't actually balance. I had an electronic circuit factory filling a belt on both sides with 2 assembler 2 per side. So not that full a belt. After the balances I had three circuits on one side and only one on the other in a repeating pattern.

But luckily I'm not looking for balancing the output but to keep both sides of the input moving when one side backs up.