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My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:39 am
by djnekkid
Hi all!

After a couple of my reguar youtubers (quill and aruma) had some factorio content, I immedeately saw that this were a game for me...

And a couple of trial and errors later, I found a setup I find rather compact, and somewhat modular. The only thing that is currently "holding me back" is the production of tier1 electronics, but higher buildings with more speed mods should suffice.

Here is a huge pic of my base, basicly cut'and'paste in mspaint :)

(Click pic for 4x bigger view)


Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:04 pm
by ataaron
Not very space efficient
In this setup one blue tech is made while 3 red ones are made and the entire thing will be only as fast as its slowest part
(atleast thats how it is in 0.10.0)

Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:14 pm
by djnekkid
Well, the red vs blue is a valid point, but please, elaborate on space efficiency? Perhaps with only bots, but I try not to use them too much...

I know there are a square here or there, but all in all, pretty much everthing is squized in quite much. And with both sides of the belt beeing used for different items.

i'ts not that im not open for critic, far from it. That is why I did put the pic up in the first place. But please be constructive, and not just "that is such!", without a "because if you did X you could do Y better"

Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 2:21 pm
by ataaron
So the bottleneck is the part where the blue tech itself is put together, so you either save space by removing red tech assemblers or you build more blue tech assemblers in order to compensate.

that is because the building times for the different techs vary while the research needs the same amount of all, so the times to build techs are:

So for example: To compensate for one green tech assembler you need exactly two blue ones to produce the same amount in the same time.
otherwise you will have too much red and/or green and everything is waiting for blue ones.

Of course you then need to make sure that the assemblers can always run without running out of parts. You can calculate that too so you only build the exact amount of assemblers/chemical reactors/furnaces/Oil refinerys/Miners you need to keep the factory running at all time while not wasting space with too many structures.

and the last important thing is to make sure the belts don't get overloaded and delay things (Copper wire tends to do this)

Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 1:06 pm
by djnekkid
ive noticed the copper wire overcrowding... That is the reason they all have double fast inserters from the copper wire buildings to the green electronics buildings. :)

Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:43 pm
by tralala
djnekkid wrote:ive noticed the copper wire overcrowding... That is the reason they all have double fast inserters from the copper wire buildings to the green electronics buildings. :)
Best thing with copper wires is to insert them directly into the circuit assembler. With stack size upgrades you can keep the circuit assembler constantly fed. Via belt is doable but difficult.

Re: My somewhat compact T1-4 design

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:16 am
by Zourin
You want more red and blue packs early because the research timers are shorter during those tech phases. Ten labs is usually a conservatively sane amount to work with.

You want those five redpack factories early, since 15-sec cycle projects will eat a pack every 1.5 seconds (with ten labs). Same with green packs, since the infrastructure to support six is complex, but still sane. You should still keep the older infrastructure with the red/green packs, because, well, why fix what's not broke?

Things slow down a lot in tier 3. When the cycles are 30-60 seconds long, you don't need a lot of blue packs to meet demands. Blue packs, however, can produce at a slower pace. With ten labs, you only need 1 pack every 3-6 seconds, which can be, oddly enough, handled via only 4 blue factories.