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Second game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:35 pm
by nocturnalAndroid
Hi, New Here, this was my second game.
As you can see this was on peaceful mode, witch is a bit of a cheat.
Would be glad to know what you think, especially about the design of the mass production center, I think it's very scalable, but it does waste a lot of space which can be an issue on a non-peaceful game.
Sorry, I forgot to hit alt before taking the screenshots, so no info...
(Click for full size)
Re: Second game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:43 pm
by Talguy
Where's waldo?
Nice base
Re: Second game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:13 pm
by Rensiur
I must say that I love that stitched together Screenshot, its gigantic but actually allows to have a look at the details.
Re: Second game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:44 pm
by torham
Re: Second game.
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:53 pm
by starxplor
A few questions, hoping to learn from other viewpoints:
1) sometimes you use splitters, sometimes 1 or sometimes 2 inserters to supply a secondary line, such as in mass production center. Is there a reason why each was used? space does not seem to be an issue there.
2) you seem to have skipped some nice mining spots, is there a reason you set up longer distance routes before using up all the local sources?
3) do you really need that many research facilities and how often do you produce enough to get them all actually running at the same time?
4) is the middle east really just two pumps? is that enough oil for this big a factory?
Love the little notes.
Re: Second game.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:42 am
by CreeperDaReeper
Research Boot.
That is all.
Re: Second game.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:35 am
by nocturnalAndroid
Talguy wrote:Where's waldo?
Keen eye
wasn't sure anyone wold notice.
Rensiur wrote:I must say that I love that stitched together Screenshot, its gigantic but actually allows to have a look at the details.
It was either this or making a video, I think this is easier to look at...
torham wrote:THAT. IS. AWESOME!!
starxplor wrote:A few questions, hoping to learn from other viewpoints:
1) sometimes you use splitters, sometimes 1 or sometimes 2 inserters to supply a secondary line, such as in mass production center. Is there a reason why each was used? space does not seem to be an issue there.
2) you seem to have skipped some nice mining spots, is there a reason you set up longer distance routes before using up all the local sources?
3) do you really need that many research facilities and how often do you produce enough to get them all actually running at the same time?
4) is the middle east really just two pumps? is that enough oil for this big a factory?
Love the little notes.
Mostly, the answer to all your questions is that this was my second game, and I was experimenting with different game mechanics.
That said:
1) I just started with one inserter, added more if it didn't provide enough flow, and finally added a splitter. the different methods could provide a sort of load balancing for the distribution of resources.
2) If I understand correctly you are referring to the patch of copper east of the train hub and the iron to the south of it. Other then the fact I really wanted to build a train system, the patches just seem too small to bothering with, and not worth the mess of hocking them up. The tree iron train lines go to patches more then 5 times larger then the small patch there, as is the copper line...
3) No, that is a definite overkill, when researching red/green tech I did have them all running together(finishing techs in a manner of a couple of minutes, and some in seconds), but once you hit blue tech, building the science packs becomes the bottleneck.
4) Yeah, it's pointless, just wanted to experiment with transporting oil in barrels, the factory is hocked up to more pumps by pipes...
CreeperDaReeper wrote:Research Boot.
A base with no research boot is hardly a base at all...
Re: Second game.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:41 pm
by sillyfly
Very nice
How did you stitch it all together? Lot's of hard work, or do you have any tricks you can share?
Re: Second game.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:48 pm
by nocturnalAndroid
I used microsoft image composite editor: ... s/ivm/ICE/
It's free...
Re: Second game.
Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 8:40 pm
by therapist
Are you telling me this program automatically joins the images together for you? I've been using Paint.NET to manually join images of RTS games... Have you noticed any limitations? Filesize, resolution, total final image size etc?
Also, next time you make one of these images, do 2 versions. One like you did, and one using alt to show the assembly products and direction of inserters. Sorry if that is alot to ask, I really like how you edited and zoned the map.
Re: Second game.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:17 pm
yes, it stitched them itself. You just list every picture you want to.
i use Photoshop to stitch my pictures together
And waldo was easy to find!
I wouldn't mind a zoomed out map view of the world
Just to see where those trains go
I love seeing how people deal with trains.
me again
I can't believe you went through all that time to do that... lol (making the me)
Re: Second game.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:42 pm
by starxplor
I am a bit worried that no one has stepped up to claim the unknown walker as themselves visiting this game...
Re: Second game.
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:55 pm
by YuokiTani
Where is your defense ? ... if i would build this i would be overrun by biters ... but nice setup
Re: Second game.
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:45 am
by Covertcreeper
Nice base, Ill grab some pointers from it!
Re: Second game.
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:46 am
by Covertcreeper
YuokiTani wrote:Where is your defense ? ... if i would build this i would be overrun by biters ... but nice setup
If you had read his description, you would see its on peaceful mode.