[tags] Forum Tagging System Proposal
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:36 am
Technically this should go in the "Ideas and Suggestions" Board, but seeing as how (for now) it only relates to this board, I am posting it here. I was also going to wait to post this, but decided to just go ahead with it.
After some discussion with ssilk about a new "Combinator Logic" sub-thread, the following was reached:
Instead of a new Combinator only sub-thread, a tagging system should be used instead. What is meant by this is that when a new topic is posted the author of said topic should use tags in the topic title, to aid users in searching for certain gameplay mechanics. For now it would only be used in the "Show Your Creations" board, but could be expanded to all boards in the future if deemed acceptable.
The Combinator sub-thread is most likely unnecessary, and would contribute to over segmentation of the forums. For example if we have a Combinator only sub-thread, why not have a train specific sub-thread, or a logistics only sub-thread?
Here are some tags that I have proposed:
I tried to keep the number of tags to a minimal to make searching for certain criteria easier and more concise.
A post title formatted with tags could look like this: [circ] [powr] Using combinators to regulate steam power at night
I believe we should try limiting tags to a max of three per title, as to not over-complicate searching. Try to be descriptive enough with the title and don't just rely on tags. The tags would be there to aid in searching.
We may not need the [misc] tag, as I can't think of anything that couldn't be described by the other tags, although more can be added if need be.
It is also encouraged to change the title of your reply to a topic. When you reply to a topic, you are presented an option to change the subject line. This is VERY under utilized. We should use this more often, as the search algorithm will also search within the replies' subject line. For example, if a post was created about a certain combinator contraption that turns on your steam power after a minimum charge in your accumulators has been reached, and turns it off after a higher amount has been reached, and you use the same contraption / logic to create a train depot to request certain items when a minimum has been reached and stop requesting when a maximum has been reached, then go ahead and post it in the same topic as the original post. Just change the tags and subject. The original post may have had the tags "[circ] [powr]", yours could have the tags "[circ] [train]", the search algorithm will find both if you search for "[circ]" and only your reply to that post if you search "[trains]". I'm sorry if that sounds confusing, I will try my best to explain if anyone has questions.
I realize we can already do this, so it is not something that would need to be implemented per se, just standardized so we all use the same tags. Tell me what you think!
Links / Reference:
Original proposal for new sub-forum: Idea: New Sub-forum for all combinator related topics!
Thread I made, conversation with ssilk: Combinator Sub-Forum
After some discussion with ssilk about a new "Combinator Logic" sub-thread, the following was reached:
Instead of a new Combinator only sub-thread, a tagging system should be used instead. What is meant by this is that when a new topic is posted the author of said topic should use tags in the topic title, to aid users in searching for certain gameplay mechanics. For now it would only be used in the "Show Your Creations" board, but could be expanded to all boards in the future if deemed acceptable.
The Combinator sub-thread is most likely unnecessary, and would contribute to over segmentation of the forums. For example if we have a Combinator only sub-thread, why not have a train specific sub-thread, or a logistics only sub-thread?
Here are some tags that I have proposed:
Code: Select all
[circ] = Combinators, Circuit Network
[powr] = Power setups (POWA! UNLIMITED POWA!)
[belt] = Belts, duh!
[train] = Trains, Stations, etc...
[build] = Production Builds (red circuit factories, science pack factories, mining outposts, Oil processing, etc...)
[defn] = Base defense, Methods of biter extermination (turret creep, wall & turret builds, etc...)
[deco] = Decorative builds (would be more useful if we had more colors of concrete, or things like in 5-Dim's Decoration mod)
[misc] = Use this if your creation doesn't fit in to any of the above categories
[mods] = Include this with any of the above tags if what you are showing off relies on a mod / is not possible in vanilla
Factorio version tag: [0.13.17] (just replace 0.13.17 with the version of Factorio being referenced. This can be found in the in-game menu under "About")
A post title formatted with tags could look like this: [circ] [powr] Using combinators to regulate steam power at night
I believe we should try limiting tags to a max of three per title, as to not over-complicate searching. Try to be descriptive enough with the title and don't just rely on tags. The tags would be there to aid in searching.
We may not need the [misc] tag, as I can't think of anything that couldn't be described by the other tags, although more can be added if need be.
It is also encouraged to change the title of your reply to a topic. When you reply to a topic, you are presented an option to change the subject line. This is VERY under utilized. We should use this more often, as the search algorithm will also search within the replies' subject line. For example, if a post was created about a certain combinator contraption that turns on your steam power after a minimum charge in your accumulators has been reached, and turns it off after a higher amount has been reached, and you use the same contraption / logic to create a train depot to request certain items when a minimum has been reached and stop requesting when a maximum has been reached, then go ahead and post it in the same topic as the original post. Just change the tags and subject. The original post may have had the tags "[circ] [powr]", yours could have the tags "[circ] [train]", the search algorithm will find both if you search for "[circ]" and only your reply to that post if you search "[trains]". I'm sorry if that sounds confusing, I will try my best to explain if anyone has questions.
I realize we can already do this, so it is not something that would need to be implemented per se, just standardized so we all use the same tags. Tell me what you think!
Links / Reference:
Original proposal for new sub-forum: Idea: New Sub-forum for all combinator related topics!
Thread I made, conversation with ssilk: Combinator Sub-Forum