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Megabase to share for mod testings ?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:42 pm
by binbinhfr

I am in development of a mod about production statistics management for helping people balancing their base production. With new API features coming in 0.13, it could be interesting.

But I'm in need of some megabase example to test my developements and see if my calculations are not too CPU stressing on a large base.
My own base is not big enough (1 rocket per 15 mins), because I spend quite a lot of time writing mods ;-)

So I wonder if anyone around here could share his megabase with me, with his mod pack. (on a file share site ?)

To show that I'm serious, here are some mods I already developped :

Thanks for your help.

Re: Megabase to share for mod testings ?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:10 pm
by Klonan
I have this from a reddit thread:
-- From danielv
(125.09 MiB) Downloaded 223 times

Re: Megabase to share for mod testings ?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 10:07 pm
by binbinhfr
Thx Klonan.
I look for the mods and I'll have a look at it right now !

For those interested, here is the corresponding mod pack :
(13.95 MiB) Downloaded 112 times
EDIT : and there is also this huge and nice (but old 0.11) mega base by Dave Mcw :

Re: Megabase to share for mod testings ?

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 8:11 pm
by Qon
Klonan wrote:I have this from a reddit thread:
When I tried it out it was out of iron and didn't really produce any rockets. Maybe I was missing some mod? I added some cheat chests with iron but did not get the silos running, maybe other resources were lacking as well. Anyone who has tried it at full speed who can tell me how many rockets/minute it will produce? SS of production screen? Anything I should know if I try to fix it myself? Don't want to spend time redoing something if it's not worth it in the end or someone else already knows if there is some magic switch hidden somewhere for starting it at 100% q: