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100h+ on my BarbieDreamhousemap (btw, Bedarf an YT-Videos?)

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:05 pm
by Lutz_Scheiter
PicDump! (CustomScenario with tons of ore)

Finally! I've finished
you are never finished in factorio
my Base and got a nice supply of basics.
This will be my mainbase/ some kind of CC. Just need to secure it against biters , so i can 'go out' a few days exploring and building a second base on its own and against biters (99,9%evo)..

But there is always a bottleneck to fix (actual its copper-wire [who'd have thought]) and 0.13 is coming.. so i'm already planing rebuilding.
But before I spend next XXX hours of my life in planing and calculating I want to share it with you / want to know what you think. So there it is :thumbsup:

if someone is interested in my custom-isle-map, i would upload :thumbsup:

(posted also on reddit) kkthxbye

btw., GERMAN: Gibt es gute deutsche YT-Kanäle mit Factorio Videos? Finde nur altes Zeug oder Mist, kaum brauchbares dabei. Einzig negativeroots videos schaue ich mir hinundwieder mal an, aber das ist auch nicht das wahre... Besteht da eventuell sogar Bedarf an Nachschub? Ich überlege How2s und Guides zu machen...

Re: 100h+ on my Barbie Dreamhousemap

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:15 pm
by Kewlhotrod
even though you cheated, those dead trees is comparison to the alive ones look pretty cool. :lol:

Re: 100h+ on my Barbie Dreamhousemap

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 8:31 pm
by Lutz_Scheiter
yeah, u are right. but i launched a rocket in freeplay before, so i'm ok with this :lol: Also this will be a stand-alone-base. i'm planing to build more bases on this map, but the new ones have to grow without cheating-ore 8-)

i like, the trees are a mirrow of industrialization... time to regret environmental pollution.. :lol:
..but they are such good buffers against pollution :D