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Share your first factory!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:49 pm
by GoldenPorkchop80
When I first bought Factorio, I launched the game and I didn't know what I was doing. I eventually got the hang of things.

I made a factory with a small ore processing center, one research lab, one steam engine, and one turret. I survived for about 1hr and 30min more until biters swamped me and I died.

Would play that factory again, now that I have +200 hours under my belt.

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:04 am
by ssilk
Moved from General to Show your Creations.

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 12:53 pm
by Kewlhotrod
I wish I remembered my first factory, should of took screenshots. although I remember it being a clusterfuck then discovering logistic robots and then it was basically smooth sailing haha :D

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 1:22 am
by _itg
I got the game a week or so ago, so it wasn't too hard to scrounge up some screenshots. These are some pictures of my first two factories near or at the end of the game. The difference between them is pretty striking.

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:23 pm
by Shilka
I just got the game 2 weeks ago, so here's mine (still in progress)

I had no idea what I was doing when starting this, but a day or 2 in I did realize that I wanted some sort of central belt system to constantly feed on/off from. I understand you call such a thing a bus system here.
Problem was, having no knowledge of the game, I had no idea what the most used basic materials are, so I ended up with a bus system of 19 belts and 2 pipelines. By now I realize there are some unnecesary ones (like wood and metal rods), but it still kind of works.

Then after a few more days, I decided I wanted the bus system circular and to loop into itself, so all the materials would flow around continuously. That way any unused items, would come around a second time (and a third, and a fourth), so the whole bus sytem wouldn't depend on the production speed at the start of the bus system, but just on the total capacity and speed of the whole ring, where production is only needed for filling in the empty spots. It works really nice, since I can hook up anything that needs to be built next right up to the bus system, which comes in hany for me as a beginner a lot, since I have no clue what will need to be built next...

Anyway, it got a bit out of proportion, and is completely unefficient, but it looks kind of cool on the map;





PS, I started on peacefull mode, so the outer ring with like 200 turrets with their own personal ammo belt loop is kind of unnecesary, but hey, it's my first ever play through :P
I still need to even start on figuring out railroads, bots, logic systems etc, but this is what I got so far. Just produced the launching site, next up is hooking up everything for the rocket...

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:21 pm
by Koub
How come people do such nice things on their first playthrough (even if some minor mistakes were made) when I still struggle with my spaghetti after 500+ hours of playing ? XD

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:51 am
by Lee_newsum
ok you ask for it viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2239
this map befor oil was add to the game :D

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:30 pm
by zytukin
About 100 hours in: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=21531

After almost 300 hours:
Smelting area, 80 Electric Furnaces for Iron Plates, 80 for Copper Plates, 80 for Steel Beams. Passive storage for finished metals has a capacity of about 2 million each for copper, steel, iron. Ore storage is to the south of the furnaces and has a capacity of around 1.4 million iron ore and copper ore, and 1 million stone. Believe it or not, I am under producing. I need to double the size of the smelting area.
smelting.jpg (420.57 KiB) Viewed 12965 times

Oil barrel storage, refineries, and rocket production.
Oil barrels take up much less space, even with the barreling process you can store nearly 10x the oil in the same space as tanks. The passive storage for barrels can hold over 4.1 million oil. 6 refineries with Advanced processing, 2 chem labs cracking heavy oil to light oil, 15 chem labs cracking light oil to gas, 10 chem labs making plastics.
rocketref.jpg (431.32 KiB) Viewed 12965 times

Main manufacturing area:
Mix of level 2 and level 3 assemblers set up with fully automatic production for research (which is completed) and rocket building. To the south of this is a smaller manufacturing area making things needed for general building such as conveyors, power poles, rail tracks, splitters, and undergound belts. Pretty much the only things I have to craft by hand are buildings, trains, transformers, and rail signals.
manu.jpg (448.88 KiB) Viewed 12965 times

Rail Yard
My factory goes through a lot of metals and I got tired of dealing with mining in my base and constantly having to monitor and move mines around so set up numerous outposts to mine ore and ran trains to collect it. Used a console command to make the ore patches in the remote outposts have dozens of millions of ore so they will last a long time and I wont have to spend half my gametime moving mines around.
rail.jpg (363.5 KiB) Viewed 12965 times

This factory uses 250-350MW of power (it varies wildly depending on what is running). The powerplant is entirely solar. Pretty much took over a desert and built 15k Solar Panels that have a max output of over 800MW. For night time power, there are over 16k Accumulators. I'm actually in the process of nearly doubling the size of it all to better support thousands of laser turrets that I will be building on a perimeter wall around the base and around each mining outpost.
powerplant.jpg (407.87 KiB) Viewed 12965 times

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:51 am
by Azraelle

I feel kinda overwhelmed when I compare my rinky-dink first factory to everyone else's.

It was a tiny thing, with only mining facilities located in other areas (you can see them on the mini-map) but it got me through my first game.

For reference, here's my second factory, which I just used to complete the entire (vanilla) research tree:


Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:25 pm
by Bole
My first factory is pure spaghetti horror, but end justifies the means. Second factory is in progress with a goal of impementing despaghetification concepts.


Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:11 am
by Chares
Hi There!

Been lurking around the forums since the start of version 11 (i think), i quite dont remember on which version i started this one, it was my first, and still the actual factory i use (50 Hrs). i kept learning different concepts, optimizations, functions, and in every new thing a patch adds, i try to use it.

I've only just started using roboports for autorepairing the turrets, as behemoths just appeared, but still i kept a low profile on contamination. Still no use of combinators/different wire networks.


I jsut started to finish the last tech (follower robot count 20), took me quite a while to do it.

I've changed the layout a few times so as to have 2 central belts, one with copper/metal plates and one with green circuits. I've found bottlenecks on producing blue research, as the production takes quite some time, and had to expand oil and copper production with a single rail network of trains.

If you see any room for improvement let me know!

Hope you like it!

Edit: here's a close up of the factory:


Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:16 am
by Happiej
Not my first factory actually. Did a few try-outs to get the hang of it ans checked out some tutorials. this is my first serious factory:


Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 4:27 pm
by Kevin94
Was quite difficult to take some pictures of my first game. Factorio crashed when I tried to load it in the oldest available linux version on the Website (0.7). Luckily I still had the windows installer for 0.3 somewhere laying around. Unfortunatly I wasn't that wise in regards to the mods I used. When I loaded the game the furnaces where missing. I think I used the steel furnace mod, back these days steel furnaces weren't part of the base game. I placed some stone furnaces as replacement but the balance of the whole setup is lost.

Some data of the Map: It's from game version 0.3 and 25 hours played, Rocket Defence was build (and nothing happened afair). The Map also has a fixed size, as you can see in the pictures (the base is built on the left edge of the map). I'd love to see and show you a map of the game, but this feature was implemented much later.

Enough talk, time for pictures:
power generation
Iron smelting and Belt production
Copper smelting and sciencepacks production

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:55 pm
by steinio
Thanks to Wube for improving graphics.
If i had noticed Factorio earlier with this graphic i never had played it.

Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 4:22 am
by Reviire
I've been playing with a friend, this is our first factory. I came to the forums to look for advice and stuff, how to optimize things etc.


Re: Share your first factory!

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:24 pm
by AutoMcD
Just finished the game, took about 48hr. I did get about halfway through the tech tree and then restart because "despaghettification concepts" that I like to call "roads". ;)




Aaand the money shot.

Still need to work on production ratios. What I had worked ok for science but circuit production crippled when I needed modules for late game stuff. I'll probably do something similar then duplicate the circuit production again just for processors and modules.
The roads worked beautifully and I could even speed through the middle of the base with the tank. Definitely worth the annoyances that it caused where complicated assembly necessitated a more cluttered setup, made blasting through at full speed rewarding.
The train I didn't try until very late, it's pretty cool and will incorporate that instead of branching out with long conveyors next time.
Also the logistic drones are kind of amazing.. You can tell all the later production such as near the rocket are very minimal. :)