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Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:48 pm
by Zimme2579
Hi this is the first automated science factory i have made myself and I was wanting some feedback, I am open for criticism so please criticize.
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 12:24 am
by ratchetfreak
press alt so the recipes are show on the assemblers
It helps immensely when sharing designs
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:56 am
by SirRichie
Just a curious question: is this a design from the editor? Usually, one does not have access to express belts before some serious science automation
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:22 pm
by DerivePi
For the layout, we have:
----------- Gears----- Trn Belt-- Green Science
FE Plate-- Cu Cable-- Inserters- Science Research
CU Plate-- Circuits-- Red Science
General Comments -
Design is limited with inputs of only 1 line of FE Plates and 1 line of CU Plates - No need for 4 inserter/transport belt assemblers
For circuit design, it is a fairly accepted rule that CU Cable be directly inserted into the circuit assemblers at a 3 Cu Cable to 2 Circuit ratio
In order to allow for the expansion of science to Red, Green and then Blue and purple, the Red and Green Science flasks should share the same belt (red on one side and green on the other) - of course you can have green with blue at a later date but I find it easier to share the initial belt with the first two sciences.
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:24 pm
by Zimme2579
SirRichie wrote:Just a curious question: is this a design from the editor? Usually, one does not have access to express belts before some serious science automation
Sort of. it is a screen shot form a world where i cheat heavily to come up with designs for factories which i then make blupes of and import to other worlds.
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 10:18 am
by Ohlmann
It seem overengineered.
Normally, the consumption of even a lot of labs and science pack factory is so low that I can just use the normal stream of inserter, belts and all and take what is needed.
Re: Automated Red/Green Science
Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:46 am
by Zimme2579
Ohlmann wrote:It seem overengineered.
Normally, the consumption of even a lot of labs and science pack factory is so low that I can just use the normal stream of inserter, belts and all and take what is needed.
What do you mean by normal stream?