Combinator Design: signal to any base N converter
Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:54 am
I was messing around with combinators and I designed a way to split up a signal into any base-n parallel signals. Shown is the input 987654321 broken down into 9 digits decimal. It's basically a combination of the following: N^x progressive multiplier, divider and modulus operator. I figured a way to make something like this work earlier, but I wanted it to be faster and have the outputs simultanious. I didn't like how my earlier designs stuttered. All digits update on the same tic with a change in count. If you change base (ie, hex to trinary) it does stutter along, as I haven't figured out to make the N^x operator work simultaneously in the time I allotted myself.
I forgot to include the input box in the BP. After you place that BP down, link up the input to the red wire (Signal A) that travels horizontally, you can then BP the left 2 cells and place as many digits as you want, overlapping the last digit to easily copy the wire connections. In Binary, at the 32nd digit, the sign bit kicks on, and it overflows to a negative number. This happens with fewer and fewer digits the higher base you use.
But, here you go. Convert to decimal for use with a display? Set the iron ore constant combinator to 10. Want a binary number? Iron ore to 2. Any number system you could possibly want. I haven't tinkered around with it enough to make it work with negative numbers. For binary I was thinking of detecting if it was negative, throw a signal all the way to the sign bit, and run another operation before passing it along to the converter.
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But, here you go. Convert to decimal for use with a display? Set the iron ore constant combinator to 10. Want a binary number? Iron ore to 2. Any number system you could possibly want. I haven't tinkered around with it enough to make it work with negative numbers. For binary I was thinking of detecting if it was negative, throw a signal all the way to the sign bit, and run another operation before passing it along to the converter.