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Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:25 pm
by IngoKnieto
I recently started my first game with RSO mod and I am wondering about the biters...

I am now over 12 hours in this game, biter evolution is 34%, but there are (in my opinion) very few biter bases around me:
Map screenshot
Map screenshot
rso.png (287.08 KiB) Viewed 5046 times
I did not yet have a single attack on my base, although polution only recently spread to the biter base in the east. And if I compare this with the "regular" biter spreading algorithm I think I would already had some decent attacks and there would be much more biter bases around my base.

So I am wondering: are there enough biters here? Will the biter bases spread out more later in the game? When? Do I even have to set up a strong defense like in the regular game? If I want more biters, I suppose I need to increase the value absolute_enemy_chance from 0.25 to ...? What value makes sense?
I would very much like some input from more RSO experienced players.


BTW: I am playing with RSO 2.3.0 in the default configuration, I didn't choose 'peaceful' at game start, and I do not use any enemy related mods.

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 5:30 pm
by orzelek
Default RSO biters are much more tame due to sparse spawns. You'd need to increase their frequency and/or size to get similar attacks to vanilla.
Alternatively you can disable RSO biter generation in config file and switch vanilla one on.

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:20 pm
by IngoKnieto
Thanks for the info. I don't wan't to have the vanilla spawning, that's a little too much, so I'll go for the settings in the RSO config file. But I suppose it is too late now, changing these settings only has effect in a new game, right?
Is there any way to do this in a running game?

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:43 pm
by orzelek
Changing of config file settings will get used for generation of new regions. So it will have effect when you start exploring a bit further out.

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:05 pm
by IngoKnieto
Ok, thanks for the info. I tested this with absolute_enemy_chance = 2 and enemy_base_size_multiplier = 10 and I now have a very dangerous outer wildland :D

One last question (please): if I destroy the enemy bases in the previously already known areas - will the respawn with the logic of the old values, or with the new ones?
I would assume if the untamed bugs from the outer areas (new config values) migrate to the empty inner land (old config values) they bring their behavior with them, but is it actually like that?

BTW: Thanks for making the mod, I really like how the ressources are spread with RSO, I am just missing a little action around my base ;)
In early game there was nothing, mid game a little. After a playtime of 22:30 hours I have killed only 65 biters...

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:13 pm
by orzelek
The thing is that RSO doesn't touch the migration at all. It can only disable it but you need to set this one up in config file - it's untouched by default.

Reduction of migration is an effect of much more space between the bases so with new much bigger ones around it should start heading towards your base or at least have much higher chance for this.
You can observe migration by using debug tools under F4/F5-7.

Re: Too few biters with RSO?

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:20 pm
by aober93
There are only fewer biters in the first few minutes /hours of the game. But once they migrate, its the same as vanilla.