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[SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:23 pm
by Andrea88
Hello everyone!
As the title says, what do you think about a garage where we can park our car when repair are needed?
Yes, i had this idea from the "repair tool mod", but i think that the garage could be useful without adding mods.

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:51 pm
by Blackmoor
Yes please.

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:11 pm
by drs9999
Or at least a official repair tool for everything

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:27 pm
by FreeER
Hey! hush up guys, I like being able to pick things up and repair them instantly :) JK yeah, an official repair tool would be nice. Though if we had a garage maybe it would repair cars faster than the standard repair tool would?

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:55 pm
by Andrea88
yeah, if you decide to consider introducing an official repair tool, it could be a thing like a "wrench" and "small toolbox" that repairs at low speed, one hp at a time and with a small "container of tools" (i mean, like the number of bullet in a pistol ammo). Maybe they could be upgradable into "advanced wrench" and "big toolbox" that repairs at higher speed, 5 hp at a time and with a higher "container of tools".
About the garage, it will auto repair the car. This is my full suggestion :)
I think it isn't so easy to program, but it will be a very useful tool.. Isn't it?
Hope you like my idea :)

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:12 pm
by drs9999
Hmm lets say we will get the wrench. Then the garage isnt that usefull in my eyes (If it repairs your car).

But maybe expand the garage idea. It seems like that creepers dont like cars and will attack them. So the garage could be place where you can hide your car and dont have to be afraid that it will be damaged or destroyed.

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 4:32 am
by Dakkanor
drs9999 wrote:Hmm lets say we will get the wrench. Then the garage isnt that usefull in my eyes (If it repairs your car).

But maybe expand the garage idea. It seems like that creepers dont like cars and will attack them. So the garage could be place where you can hide your car and dont have to be afraid that it will be damaged or destroyed.
what if you could send your car into it automatically, it would repair, refuel AND would load/unload your cars trunk. if this could be made in a way that works with train cars too....

like a mechanical loader with an inventory of fuel (for topping up) and then an in/out inventory (possibly one for each) which would load/unload, refuel and repair any vehicle which came along one particular side.

*is now imagining a giant vehicle inserter*

wait what was i talking about again ? :P

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:07 am
by MF-
drs9999 wrote: But maybe expand the garage idea. It seems like that creepers dont like cars and will attack them. So the garage could be place where you can hide your car and dont have to be afraid that it will be damaged or destroyed.
I think that creepers only fail to realize that you are not in the car anymore.

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:13 am
by drs9999
Except "automatically for cars" I love the idea. For cars that isnt "logical" in my eyes. Maybe if the cars can drive autonomously in the future, but for trains, why not?

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:00 am
by Dakkanor
drs9999 wrote:Except "automatically for cars" I love the idea. For cars that isnt "logical" in my eyes. Maybe if the cars can drive autonomously in the future, but for trains, why not?
well if you're referring to my idea you'd have to get the car to the right spot before it'd run, which would be difficult unless you use a special conveyor system, i do have a conveyor system that will catch a car moving at max speed from any direction, however that only works if everything moves towards the center... a bi-directional catch would work tho.

trains would have the simple matter of building the loader with the feed-Edge facing some tracks and sort out a way to completely halt the train there for a bit.

so the trains would be easy while the cars would be more fiddly

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 10:50 am
by drs9999
Ah ok then I completly agree with your idea ;)

Re: [SUGGEST] Garage: repair car

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:13 pm
by Cordylus

Now the construction robots can repair vehicles so idea of the garage is no longer needed.