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Artillery Wagon Inactivity Change

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:05 pm
by DRY411S
Do not count the time an artillery wagon spends scanning chunks as train activity
What ?
Whilst an artillery wagon is scanning chunks for nests/worms to fire at, the whole train is in an 'active' state.
I would like artillery wagon to be excluded as a measure of the train's activity.
Less desirable, there could be some kind of feedback to the player that the wagon is active. Maybe an animated radar dish?
Why ?
Artillery trains can stand for too long at stations, not firing, while scans of huge areas take place.
They appear to be inactive, there's no visual indicator that I can see that shows they are active, or in the train order either.
It's confusing for players that this is the reason an artillery train is not moving off.

Re: Artillery Wagon Inactivity Change

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:20 pm
by Illiander42
This would break train schedules that use "2 seconds inactive or empty" as their firing station condition.

With your suggestion, how would you have a train sit at a station until the artillery wagons have cleared all nests in range OR it's out of ammo?

Think one train handling multiple firing stations along the perimiter and mostly only dealing with expansion parties, so most of the time it doesn't even shoot anything.

Re: Artillery Wagon Inactivity Change

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:34 am
by Rseding91
What you describe to remove is exactly how they were programmed and intended to function. Moving to outdated/won't implement.