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Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2020 11:58 am
by ChurchOrganist
You all probably know that Factorio 1.1.0 is out now.
Some of you may also be aware that the base Yuoki mod throws errors if you try to run it in the new version.
The good news is that I have now got an error free version running with Factorio 1.1.0, but I want to do a few changes to stack sizes and implement fast replace on some entities before I release.
If you're desperate to play Yuoki with Factorio 1.1.0 drop me a personal message and I will send you the fixed version.
I haven't yet tried the other Yuoki mods - that joy is yet to come

Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2020 9:32 am
by ChurchOrganist
The code changes to make the Yuoki Base mod compatible with Factorio 1.1.0 are no up as a pull request at Github.....
This is not an official release yet, but those of you desparate for a fix may find this helpful.
!!!!!!!Only modify your mod files if you know what you are doing!!!!!!!
Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 9:32 am
by ChurchOrganist
Just done a Factorio 1.1 compatible release for the main mod.
Hopefully Yuokitani will have it up on the mod portal soon.
Until then you can get it from the Github repository....... ... ag/v1.1.02
Hoping to release Factorio 1.1 versions of YI Engines & YI Railways by the weekend

Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:10 am
by foodfactorio
many thanks churchorganist, i was just recently trying to find yuoki mods now that i updated to 1.1.1 and could not see it in the in-game mod search.
Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 1:12 am
by foodfactorio
i must also add, that the best games i ever played, were
AngelBobYuoki (as main mods) - thanks arumba for the original base-set of AngelBobs.
(and the pyanadon mods game as a separate game - the mushrooms are the key)

Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:26 am
by ChurchOrganist
YI Engines is now released on Github. ... ag/v1.1.00
I have messaged YuokiTani, so hopefully there will be versions up on the mod portal shortly.
Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 3:45 am
by foodfactorio
ok cool

Re: Yuoki for Factorio 1.1.0
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:06 am
by JohnJuanJean
Anyone used Editor Extensions with YI Engines?
Topic in Editor Extended Thread
Anyone gotten Editor Extensions to work with Yuoki Engines? When I try them together, I get:
Error loading mods
Failed to load mods: Error while loading entity prototype "ee-infinity-loader-loader-ye_tranport_tube_orange, underground" (loader-1x1): Key "belt_horizontal" not found in property tree at tube orange underground
Modifications: Editor Extensions
Mods to be disabled:
EditorExtensions (1.9.5)
Looks like Yuoki Engines might be classifying the transport tube as a belt? No idea what that is. Was trying to use Editor Extensions to experiment with the mod and build some blueprints.