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Factorio Prototype Editor (mo creation tool)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:01 pm
by boonstyle
Hello fellow factorians,

i want to introduce the Factorio Prototype Editor (working name). It is a tool to give people, without any experience in lua or programming in general, easy access to modding.

The Factorio Prototype Editor has following functions:
- Alter existing prototypes
- Add new prototypes base on existing ones
- Remove prototypes
- Creating mods base on the changes
- Save mods for later work
- Loading saved mods

The tool allows to add following prototype subgroups:
- Player

Following subgroups are added with the next versions:
- Armor
- Gun
- Technology
- Tool (sciencepacks)


-> Open Factorio Prototype Editor
-> Choose in the menu File -> New ProtoBuilt (this will create a vanilla dataset)
-> Choose any prototype and change the values
-> Choose in the menu Create
-> The Editor will save the mod to the facotorio mods folder (if the tol can find it)

Please let me know about any bugs, crashes or faulty files.

>>> ... <<<


Re: Factorio Prototype Editor

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:56 pm
by 5thHorseman
This is relevant to my interests.

I've an idea for a simple mod that adds a single placeable entity but I've no real knowledge of how to do that, and have so far lacked the time and perseverance to figure it out. This tool may give me the kick in the pants I needed!

Re: Factorio Prototype Editor

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:42 pm
by boonstyle
I released version 0.0.2 but its not as developed as planned isnce i was ill this week and couldnt clean enough bugs due to this. The gui has improved for much easier altering of prototypes.

I hope this version runs stable enough.

Re: Factorio Prototype Editor

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:59 pm
by boonstyle
uploaded version 0.0.3


- added save mod function
- added load mod function
- added options for the tool
- added mod information editing
- general gui overhaul
- change most part of tool logic due to design limitations

- temporary remove item recipes and data of furnaces, armors etc. due to rework
- added player data for editing

i will readd item data and recipes in the next edition as soon as im finished reworking their classes

Re: Factorio Prototype Editor

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:01 pm
by boonstyle
uploaded version 0.0.4


- added prototype adding assistant
- added prototype removement
- rebuilt classes for items, recipes, technologies
- fixed some bugs in mod creation function

target for next version

- readding sciencepacks
- readding technologys

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