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Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:00 pm
by Marcontian
An option to pause requests to fill character logistic slots is needed. A single button that will pause the system and stop drones from topping your charater off. Right now the only way to do this is to clear all of your filters and set them up again when you wish to resume.
Tags: Stop character logistic slots, pause character logistic slots
Re: Option to Pause Logistics Queues
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:58 am
by SuperSandro2000
I don't think we need this feature and it would cause a lot of trouble and bugs.
Re: Option to Pause Logistics Queues
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:37 am
by ssilk
SuperSandro2000 wrote:I don't think we need this feature and it would cause a lot of trouble and bugs.
I think this needs to be explained a bit more?
Re: Option to Pause Logistics Queues
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:10 pm
by Nemoricus
Given that there's no way to control whether logistics bots prioritize player or network requests, this would be very useful in getting the bots to focus on the network requests, which can be useful. And if they prioritized player requests when the player's slots are unpaused, that would sort out most of the annoyances I have when dealing with the bots.
Re: Option to Pause Logistics Queues
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:06 pm
by ssilk
I use the bots to built me the stuff I want and request just one item, so that I have a blueprint for the ghost building (shift-mousebutton)
A way to turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:07 pm
by consumerx54
Joined cause identical -- ßilk
This is for multiplayer only because it doesn't matter for single player. Before we go out on a killing spree we dump all unneeded items for the kill. It would be very nice if there was a button to stop requests for items from logistic system so we could empty them from inventory. Dying is no big deal in single player you just reload but in MP you don't want to lose all your supplies from logistic system.
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system reque
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:49 pm
by DukeAl
I've been thinking about posting this idea for a while now but I think it fits in here somehow.
I suggest a system to store presets for the logistic slot requests and the filters on the toolbelt.
So instead of pausing the requests you just switch to an empty preset when you don't want to be served anymore.
And if you die you don't have to set all those requests/filters in your toolbelt again.
I tried the mod MoreSlots which has two more tiers of toolbelt research but adding more rows is not perfect because of the screen that is covered.
With presets one could store one for building train stuff, one for pipe stuff, one with granades or capsules for killing biters...
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system reque
Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 9:31 pm
by ssilk
I really like that.When this also includes the configuration of the logistic slots, absolute super.
Enable/Disable Personal Logistics
Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:40 pm
by selkathguy
Joined cause idendical -- ssilk
I think it's awesome that logi slots are kept, but can there be a small UI element that universally disables or enables personal logi on the character without clearing the slots, and that this switch is automatically turned OFF on respawn? So that we don't completely drain everything from the logi network when we respawn?
Per slot enable would be neat too, but even a simple toggle for everything at once would be great.
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:35 am
by NotABiter
Short version:
I too would like a way to disable character logistics slots. (I also like DukeAl's idea for multiple configurations/presets.) And I would like the character logistic slots to be automatically disabled when I dump my inventory, and maybe a one-time request button/key (that works when character logistics slots are disabled - basically enables them to get bots moving, then disables them immediately so only the already issued bot orders are executed).
Long version:
Sometimes (OK, maybe frequently) I will be doing something with my inventory that temporarily removes most/all items. E.g., to quickly moving some (full) chests around I dump most/all of my inventory, do the job, then reload my inventory. The problem is the moment I unload my inventory, hordes of logistics robots come flying at me to refill my inventory.
Currently, avoiding the hordes of robots (and the ensuing oversupply of materials, not to mention interfering with whatever it was I was trying to do) means clearing out all of your character logistics slots, but that's a total pain because then once you've finished doing whatever you were doing and reload your inventory, you then need to go through and set them all up again.
It should be possible to turn ALL character logistics slots on/off with a single button/key click/press (probably in the character inventory GUI that is summoned with the 'e' key, hot keys would also be nice). Also, ideally it would automatically turn to the 'off' position anytime you ctrl-click on an empty spot in your inventory and the target is a chest or train car (but not if the target is an assembly machine), otherwise it would be easy to forget to turn it off before doing such an operation and only realizing your mistake too late (i.e. after you see the robots headed your way).
At present, due to this problem, I just don't use character logistic slots. They're more trouble than they're worth.
Another use case, though not nearly as important, is when leaving the logistics area. It would be nice to be able to turn it off when you know you're leaving soon. (I just don't like having robots chase me to the edge of the logistics area, then give up and dump everything in a storage chest, or worse yet, I haven't placed a storage chest anywhere and they just get stuck holding items until I notice the problem and fix it.)
A one-time request button/key would also be good. This would work when the current setting was 'off'. It would have logistics bots fetch stuff (as available at the current time) just once, and would avoid the possibility of forgetting to turn character logistics off again. (Note that this is different than some other one-time request suggestions as in this case I am talking about using the normal character logistics settings as the "what" to request, not some special one-time request slots.)
DukeAl's multiple presets idea would be good too - it would allow for selecting between different jobs. E.g., when working on oil stuff I want pipes (and lots of them), but most of the rest of the time I may want to not have pipes in my inventory at all (because it's just wasting space). However, it would still be nice to automatically go to an empty preset when dumping inventory so I don't get punished for forgetting to switch. (Plus, it's just more convenient for it to be automatic - one less click/press needed.)
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:53 pm
by ssilk
I would mean you should give the Automatic Trash Mod a chance.
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 10:10 am
by GG67
I would like to support this feature. There are moments you want to dump your stuff in chests (to pick them up again later on) because you need plenty of other stuff for some activity. Since slots get refilled by the bots the only way to accomplish this is to clear all logiostics order slots and then refill the afterards, which is quitre ennoying.
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:18 pm
by raid
Since they introduced that you can run to your corpse and get your stuff back (both in single- and multiplayer), this suggestion has new significance.
Because, when you die, robots start supplying you tons of stuff while you try to run out of the logistic area as fast as possible.
You then arrive at your corpse and already have a half-filled inventory. Then you need to go through all your stuff from both the old and new inventory and inevitably leave valuable items with your corpse since you can't carry all of it.
A simple switch on the upper right corner of your character request slots that you can toggle, could solve this problem. Even having it toggled on death automatically would be even more awesome =)
Re: Pause Logistics Queues / Turn off logistic system requests
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:54 pm
by ssilk
Added to
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=20566 Changes for the Personal Roboport
Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:32 am
by mrvn
One should be able to disable the logistic slots (+trash slots?) temporarily without having to remove all slots and later fill them again.
What ?
The logistic slots should have a on/off button next to them or below them so one can stop logistic bots from launching when unwelcome.
Why ?
There are many situations where logistic bots starting to deliver items to the player is harmful or a nuisance. The simplest example is probably when you die. Suddenly all logistic bots in the system launch and bring you a million things. This is a huge drain on the bot, the power and resources. And then you go and want to pick up your corpse and have no space. Or you pick it up first and then the logistic bots bring you all the stuff you already got from your corpse, again.
And if you where killed by aliens and retrieving your corpse means leaving the logistic network then all those bots that have picked something up to bring you now return it to the storage chests, which quickly overflows. They do not put it back into the provider chests they got them from. And most common setup is for the production to run till the provider chest has a certain number of items. So now more are produced while tons of them are still in storage.
Re: Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:23 am
by Darklaser
That's a great idea!
Re: Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:11 pm
by Philuminati
I also think that this is a good idea, also for the trash slots. If you want to build e.g. a new outpost and you take far more resources with you than normal, it would be nice if the bots would simply let you...

Re: Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:18 pm
by Zavian
Well trash slots aren't intended to be used as extra inventory slots, that would be sort of encouraging their abuse. The best way is to set up a proper outpost train.
Re: Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:28 pm
by mrvn
With trash slots I was more thinking about driving around in a train and the logistic bots starting and returning every time you pass into or out of a logistic zone.
Re: Switch to disable logistic slots
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 12:29 pm
by mrvn
With the new inventory setup for 0.17 aren't trash slots just links to real items and you don't gain extra space from them?