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Trains Continue schedule on full

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:53 pm
Would be surprised if its not been mentioned before, but couldn't find one about this.

The current schedule system is, go to A and wait for 30 seconds.

What would be a nice feature is, go to A, wait 30 seconds or until full/empty.
It can be a check box under the schedule timer. (just something simple)

This will allow unloading trains to be as simple as just clicking the wait till empty, go back to iron ore and wait till full, and repeat. And lots of other different designs players can use it for.

Which brings up multi-trains, Some players may still want their trains to have a timer, So we should also have it so that... Go to A, Wait till full/empty and don't go until 30 seconds have passed.
Graphical picture of an example:
The picture shows that the oil train will wait for 5 seconds and till its empty at the unloading station.

Re: Trains Continue schedule on full

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:14 am
by FishSandwich
Pretty good suggestion, this is something I've been wanting for a while. :D

I'd also like to see a setting like "leave station if another train arrives".

Re: Trains Continue schedule on full

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:59 am
by LordFedora

(is this just me?)

Re: Trains Continue schedule on full

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:58 am
by FishSandwich
LordFedora wrote:FISH! YOU ARE GREEN! WAT
Ohnoes, maybe I should go to see a doctor? :lol: