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[0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:08 pm
by fpe
In the new tutorial, one of the objectives is "Feed Iron plates into the Feeder 0/50", but the entity where you have to feed the pates into is called "Loader" according to its tool tip.
This might confuse new players, but at least it's a nomenclature inconsistency.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:18 pm
by Aardwolf
Confirmed, was also confused by this, in 0.17.1

By the way, it would be nice if the robot would ride to that what is the current topic. E.g. drive to the coal when the topic is "mine coal", drive to the loader/feeder when the topic is "feed iron plates into the feeder", etc... That gives a hint about where to look :)

EDIT: looks like the robot drove to the second feeder, when copper plates was needed. But not to the first one. Is that an oversight? Makes even more sense to do it for the first one I'd say! I wonder what those feeders/loaders are about by the way, since those don't exist in the real game (unless I missed something about them in one of the friday facts :D). The fact that it then disappears while the building auto-repairs after receiving a few goods does not make too much sense tbh ;p

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:04 am
by vysmirnov
Also it's absolutely unobvious that loader must be feeded by belts, not arms.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:58 pm
by MoleOnDope
vysmirnov wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:04 am Also it's absolutely unobvious that loader must be feeded by belts, not arms.
Thank you. I stood there for a good minute or two absolutely clueless how to interact with them:
Drop items on it manually? No.
Open some kind of interface? No.
Stack-load the thing with Ctrl-LMB? No.
Put the items directly into the damaged machine?No.

I finally realized inserters could place items on them. It wasn't until just now, seing an image in FFF284, that I realized I was supposed to connect belts to them.

Which lead to me not producing more than the required 2 belts.
Which lead to me having none at the start of the defense stage.
Which lead to me not being able to produce any because I did neither have time (because instant biter attacks) nor the resources for it (because see above)
Which lead to my production not standing the sleightest chance against the mob.
Which lead to my most comically drastic death in over 350hrs so far.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 7:24 pm
by CDarklock
MoleOnDope wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:58 pm Thank you. I stood there for a good minute or two absolutely clueless how to interact with them:
I had a comically dumb stage in the first part of the campaign where, having successfully gotten iron into the gear assembler, it said "send 50 gears to the feeder."

I plopped an inserter on the side of the assembler, ran a belt up to the assembler, and proudly installed a new inserter at the end.

Which did nothing. Just sat there. I checked it was facing the right way: yep. Put more fuel in it. Deleted and replaced it an embarrassing number of times. Scratched my head. Looked at the objective window.

Ah! I see. I have to send in the copper first. Automated copper production, piped it into the feeder, watched it get to fifty. Proudly placed my inserter.


Cue another long troubleshooting stage, during which copper plates are merrily disappearing into the feeder, never to be seen again. It takes me a shamefully long time to figure out that I have to merge the gears onto the belt leading into the feeder.

I do not believe a new player would have this problem.

I think it's exclusively a problem of "but I already know how to put ingredients into an assembler!" instead of just following directions. ;)

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:52 pm
by ManaUser
vysmirnov wrote: Wed Feb 27, 2019 12:04 am Also it's absolutely unobvious that loader must be feeded by belts, not arms.
Hopefully when the loaders have proper graphics that will help make this clear.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 4:33 pm
by Edstros
I too found the loader confusing. I wonder if it would help to use 'blueprints' to show the player where to put the conveyor belt to start loading (and possibly a few other places). It would be a first look at blueprints for new players, although I wouldn't explain anything about what blueprints really are.

Also, I didn't realize the game auto-saved after completing the first area and was frustrated I had to go back and repeat that after losing my first attempt.

I did enjoy the challenge of the scenario and after several plays, was able to complete it in under an hour just to see if it was possible.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 2:17 pm
by vieuxchat
They should have an almost complete belt with just some missing parts : it would be easier for the player to understand how they could achieve things.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:15 pm
by abregado
I expect the new Loader art, plus being able to actually call it a Feeder will solve this problem.
During focus testing we used an underground belt and players intuitively knew what they had to do. The Loader is less suitable only because of how it looks currently.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:11 pm
by abregado
fixed in new version.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 1:26 am
by Panderine
Sorry but this "feeder/loader" is only in the tutorial?. How can you use it ingame?

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 6:00 am
by Koub
Panderine wrote: Thu May 02, 2019 1:26 am Sorry but this "feeder/loader" is only in the tutorial?. How can you use it ingame?
You can find them in the editor (Type /editor in the console, do it twice if you're playing vanilla)
Or there are mods that activate them. They are not part of the vanilla game, that's why you can't find them.

Re: [0.17.0] Tutorial: "Feeder" vs. "Loader"

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:13 pm
by inoryy
abregado wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 10:11 pm fixed in new version.
Hello, a complete newbie to Factorio here! Was absolutely stuck on this phase until I've read the posts above.

Perhaps the help message could state "connect feeder with transportation belts" or have the Compilatron stand near the first transportation belt that should be extended.