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Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:54 am
by seePyou
This is multiplayer related only, as it needs the player to die for the feature to be useful. Single player mode, you are dead and you reload. Multiplayer you respawn.

When the player respawns, he is immediately serviced by the logistic bots trying to service his requested items. However, the items still exist in the corpse.

a) Upon death, all logistic requests are paused. This is controlled by a checkbox in the logistic requests screen of the inventory, which is set to a value (binary on-off) upon death.
b) the value can be True - Player will be serviced, False - Player does not send or receive any robot requests (robots already in transit treat this as a destination unreachable and reroute to a storage box)
c) The player can choose to activate his logistics by toggling this checkbox. Maybe he wants to be serviced straight after death and doesn't care about his corpse.

Re: Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:20 pm
by seePyou
This could even be combined with viewtopic.php?f=6&t=58610 in terms of offering two check marks in the player logistics screen, one for my suggestion, and another for this post's suggestion, whereby it would stop your own construction bots from working (and thus you can take that long train trip, or go past a construction zone without your inventory being used).

Re: Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 5:53 pm
by bman212121
So much this. It's super annoying when you respawn and the bots swarm you to fill up your inventory again. It would be a complete pain to try to remove all of the logistics settings you have and then add them back when you're ready. A global toggle that just turns everything off until you turn it back on would be perfect. It's also an issue when you try to make room so you can do something else. You need to be able to turn off logistics so that when you unload your inventory into a couple of chests the bots don't just fill you right back up, making it impossible to move around large amounts of items.

But to add to that, if you could just enable / disable individual slots that would be super helpful as well. Sometimes you need to temporarily disable something to do a task, or make room in your inventory. I normally turn on an auto trash for things like coal, but you have to remove that auto trash setting if say you were trying to move coal from a chest to your car. (Otherwise the game will instantly trash any coal you tried to pick up) Rather than have to completely remove the option, toggling it on and off would make it so you don't have to remember what you had it set at. But I suppose even in that instance you should be able to get away with just the global toggle.

Re: Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 3:13 am
by Recon419A
Apologies for necrobumping, but it would be cool if this could be added now that we have the ability to toggle personal roboports and exoskeletons. It would make sense to also have a button down there for personal logistics.

Re: Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:27 am
This could synergize well with how you sometimes just don't want to be delivered items that are otherwise always on your logistics request list. I've definitely had that happen dozens of times (and is not entirely unlike the ability to turn off your personal roboport).

You could make the counterpoint that it's just a matter of micromanaging your request list now and then, but my counterargument to that then is that it's exactly the same sort of thing the exo legs and roboport buttons already exist for.

Re: Toggle logistics on player

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:35 am
by ssilk
Is implemented with new inventory coming soon...