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Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:24 am
by Manawind
While working will a large about of ore coming into my base I found that my logi storage chests keep filling up with other items and leave no room for the ores that I need to move quickly off the trains. I could just add more storage, but they just fill up, and linking a passive provider and a request chest makes and infinite loop.
I had the idea of being able to add a filter to some slots in the chest so that I can always have space reserved for the ore. That why I can quickly store it and then the drone can move it as the base needs it.
Re: Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 3:48 am
by Umcookies
linking a passive provider and a request chest makes and infinite loop
I really don't think they work like that, the ore should sit in the passive provider chest until it's requested by something (IE the requester chest in this case) and the bots will attempt to keep the request chest at the set level. It wont go back into the passive provider.
Re: Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:04 am
by bobingabout
I think the infinite loop he's talking about is in his storage area. it sounds like to reserve space, instead of a storage chest, he used a requester to request the ores he's mining, which then make it available for other use by having an inserter feet it to a passive provider chest... then because the requester is still requesting, robots come over and take the items from the provider, and put them back in the requester.
Re: Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:34 am
by Umcookies
bobingabout wrote:robots come over and take the items from the provider, and put them back in the requester.
I literally could not fathom what he was talking about until you laid it out like that and I have utterly no idea why, however In that case yes I can see what he means now.
@OP Any particular reason why you can't unload directly into a passive provider chest and then request the ore around the base where you need it?
Re: Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:59 am
by daniel34
Added to
Stack Filters for Chest, Vehicles and others [Frequently Suggested / Link Collections]
Re: Add filters to Storage Chests
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:00 am
by bobingabout
Umcookies wrote:@OP Any particular reason why you can't unload directly into a passive provider chest and then request the ore around the base where you need it?
Okay, this I don't know. I know the ore is coming in by train though.
All I can assume is that he wants to fully unload the train every time, perhaps he re-uses the same train to bring in each material, so he needs it empty of iron before sending it to his copper mine?