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Power switch

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:06 pm
by Aarkreinsil
I just searched through the suggestions and didn't really find something in this regard, so:

What about a basic on/off switch for power poles or certain buildings? I'd like to be able to just shut down certain sections of my factory, like, for example, a radar array or maybe the assembly machine block that I really don't need now.
I've found myself ripping down power poles a couple of times by now, just so I could take certain parts of the factory off the grid. Especially when you have remote mining operations which are connected to your base via power poles, and you wanna shut them off, this would be useful.
That way you could also shut down the steam engines in favor of your new solar array, without having to whack down all the poles or engines.

Also, maybe this could provide a way to keep the aliens off your back. If your pollution gets out of hand, just flick the switch and disable your machines. Currently it's easier to use burner machines for that, since you can at least just take out the coal via ctrl-clicking them.

Re: Power switch

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:28 pm
by Dakkanor

it would be useful especially on the initial conversion to full solar to have the option of disabling specific items during the night.
that way all my battery power goes to my laser turrets, which i need much more of seeing as the new biters are crazy powerful.

Re: Power switch

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:31 pm
by Nirahiel
Yeah, problem is, you'll see a hell lot of blinking "!" telling you there is no more power.
I'm thinking about something that could restrict how much power you can send somewhere.

Re: Power switch

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:04 pm
by ssilk
You can use the accu to limit the power. Connect the accu to two electric networks. The number of accus is the power you let pass into the second network.

I experimented a lot with that stuff, but must say, that limitation of power is not the right way. Either on or off.

Re: Power switch

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:28 am
by ssilk
Thought about it:
An electrical network must work very similar to the logistic network. You can see the similarities when comparing electrical view with production view.

I mean it would be not a big problem to add some more information into an electric network like "switched off". And so the power-icon maybe doesn't blink...