Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

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Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by MysticalBacon »

Hey Guys,

I have an Idea for a new module for the Power Armor.
The purpose of the module is to counteract the belts. What i mean by that is you aren't affected by belts anymore. You dont get pushed around and instead you stand still on the belt.
It would be super useful, especially when your factory is really big.
Maybe make its power usage depending on the type of belt you are standing on?
Different Tiers maybe?

Let me hear your opinions on this!
Last edited by ssilk on Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Power Armor module

Post by ssilk »

Well, the basic idea was mentioned several times before (not to move on belts, or also to avoid walking sidways, if you just place belts).

As a slot-item for the power-armor is (AFAIK) more or less new. :)

I cannot find much similar threads (everybody uses here different words to describe that or has different ideas how to achieve that), only one I did very long time ago:


viewtopic.php?f=76&t=320 Walking on Treadmills - Ability to defy belt pushing/pulling
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1084 Placement when walking [basically I mean it's "all in what's needed"]
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1173 Moving the player out of th center
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5862 Ignore Transport Movement while Deconstructing
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6953 Controlled Movement Hotkeys
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9959 Disable Conveyor Belt Riding
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=21866 Building in Straight Lines
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29543 Belt interference
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=29947 When you run into a tree when building, stop, don't sidestep
viewtopic.php?f=66&t=31188 Player Movement on Conveyor Belts
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=35894 Locking mouse X/Y coords when placing things
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=48196 vertical/horizontal lock on item placement?
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=49036 Hover Boots!

Edit: Also related:
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=19607 Add key: press to walk [Quite different technique, but the same issue]
https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=4032 Auto-move the avatar when trying to build out of range.


viewtopic.php?f=80&t=26720 Slow Walking/Running with Powerarmor Exoskeleton
viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22305 Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)
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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by stylistic_sagi »

I do hope somethign like this, i hate the movement on belts

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

Howabout a mech suit? It's like a cross between an advanced armor and an advanced tank. You'd place it as a vehicle and get inside.
Advantages over power armor:
1.) it has it's own (small) cargo space
2.) faster base movement speed
3.) you can wear power armor while inside it
4.) you won't be pushed around by transport belts

Advantages over a tank:
1.) high agility
2.) no collisions/safe to run through your base
3.) you can use your handheld weapons with a damage bonus, instead of built-in weapons
4.) has modules
5.) runs on energy from modules, thus requires no fuel

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by stylistic_sagi »

Why would you ever exit this mech suit then?
besides the exosceleton in a mechsuite pretty much describes a mech suit...

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

stylistic_sagi wrote:Why would you ever exit this mech suit then?
It's a lot bigger than you, so you'd get out when you need to get through narrower passages. It wouldn't be very good for weaving between dense buildings, and it would have a lot of trouble getting through thick forested areas. Also, you'd get out of the suit to get in a car or tank or train, as the mechsuit is a vehicle and you can only be in one vehicle at a time.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Harkonnen604 »

By the time you get power armor, you already can build most stuff with ghost placement, and belts are no longer an issue... But I agree - belt distraction is quite annoying especially when you build early game smelting lines. One of reasons I sticked to sandbox mode w/o character.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

Apparently vehicles move on transport belts also. I had thought they didn't.

Perhaps there should merely be a toggle in the menu if you don't want transport belts to affect your character.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by stylistic_sagi »

thereaverofdarkness wrote:Apparently vehicles move on transport belts also. I had thought they didn't.

Perhaps there should merely be a toggle in the menu if you don't want transport belts to affect your character.
problem is you can't just do that because it actualy alters something on the game itself.
If this game is serious with its multiplayer they don't make it a toggle in the menu. I think the original post to have a module for that acceptable. It would be even better if it is implemented in the exoskelleton that when you wear this you will nog longer be affected by belts. (altough people who do like to use the speed advantage will be pissed then...)

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Harkonnen604 »

This can be "hovershoes" like those of Slash in Quake3

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

stylistic_sagi wrote:If this game is serious with its multiplayer they don't make it a toggle in the menu.
or the option could simply be disabled in multiplayer games

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Otterbear »

Harkonnen604 wrote:By the time you get power armor, you already can build most stuff with ghost placement, and belts are no longer an issue... But I agree - belt distraction is quite annoying especially when you build early game smelting lines. One of reasons I sticked to sandbox mode w/o character.
This, I think, is the biggest drawback to the posters suggestion.
By, the time you can create power armor, you have bots doing most of the work anyway. if anything the reverse could be the case. IE:If your wearing powered armor, you have difficulty navigating.(belts in particular).

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by person3triple0 »

I think all there needs to be is a hover button:
You press h, for example, and instead of moving with the belts, your character walks with them. Similar to how a jetpack works in modded Minecraft, rather than having to keep tapping the movement keys, you can just hit one button (which toggles on/off) and you'll stay in place.

Problem solved 8-)

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Honvor »

I really would love to see something like this, because being moved by belts while I'm redesigning my base is my number one annoyance. What I love about, well one thing I love about Factorio is that I play, rather than save/load. Usually simulation games do not support tearing down and rebuilding in an efficient way, and I find myself saving and loading all the time trying to perfect my design. Not so with Factorio. Easy tear down/rebuild invites playing, at least to me, and I rack up the hours on a single map. Moving this part one square to the right, relaying a belt to open a spot for an assembler I forgot in the initial design. But the older a factory gets, the more it becomes a tapestry of belts, and combined with several exoskeletons, makes it really hard to get into that one spot to safely redesign parts of your factory.

So yeah, +1 to an "ignore belt movement" item for the power armour.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by montricedrucker01 »

Helpful suggestions regarding Power Armor. It would be super useful, especially when the factory is really big. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Optera »

A flag "can be moved by belts" for player characters and vehicles would be nice.
While in MP I have used belts to move afk players out of the way (into the nearest biter base) it's pretty annoying when dragging something along and the belt offsets you by one tile.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Engimage »

Yeah, the SPIDERTRON suit with 8 to 10 legs, allowing you to move over the factory without collision and not effected by belts

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Engimage »

I wanna get back to this yet again.
I am on my new marathon playthrough now. And on marathon you need to use A LOT of belts for it to work.
And while I am using Long Reach mod I am still riding those belts like mad.
I can definitely say that nothing in the game really pissed me off more than trying to lay a straight belt line while you need to run through multiple belts. Without Long Reach it is definitely even worse.

So this should definitely make its way into vanilla.
I think that exoskeleton is a fine candidate to remove belt riding. Ofcourse you may opt into adding a separate module for that (like I said Spidertron suit) or add a MK2 Exoskeleton which will add this feature along with passing over existing buildings without collision.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by Contentious »

I agree with this 100%. It is so annoying to be constantly moved around when you don't want to be moved. This is especially difficult in late-game when you're using multiple exoskeletons and walking on concrete.

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Re: Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)

Post by thereaverofdarkness »

I love the idea of the spidertron suit! We could go a step further and make it into a cyber construction suit with various advantages for an engineer, such as:
1.) ignores transport belts
2.) can carry a filled chest in hand to place elsewhere
3.) reach bonus
4.) can draw power from or provide power to your electric network while standing within electric pole supply radius
5.) can step over any 1x1 or smaller obstacle including chests, pipes, walls, trees, small or medium biters and spitters, small worms
6.) bonus hand-crafting speed or slots

To balance it out, the suit would draw a large amount of power to operate and it would have a slower base movement speed than you run. It would have a large equipment grid so with enough exoskeletons, it could become fast but it'll cost a lot of power. You could skimp on self power production if you're always standing within your electric network. You can't wear it inside a vehicle. You can use it in combat but tank is probably better (especially if vehicles get equipment grids).

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