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Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 7:06 pm
by Internet Friend
Currently attacking an alien base requires switching from the main gameplay of building a base to a dance of killing creepers while trying to slip rockets between them. It's better when you bring turrets along to make a secure spot to attack from. I think giving the player structures that can be used in an offensive capacity plays to the game's strengths and I would like to see that expanded upon. A buildable, placeable artillery could fill the role of an offensive structure. I think the basic characteristics would be:
  • Build on ground, stationary
  • Load one shot/volley at a time
  • Aim by rotation, tiles forward, tiles left/right
  • Fire manually (New UI elements would be needed for aiming and firing; something on the right click menu?)
  • Fires over enemies/terrain
  • Player would have to go do recon to check aim, placing themselves at risk.
  • High priority target for creepers; would require turrets and the player to keep safe the closer you get to enemy base.
  • A maximum firing range so forward positions would need to be built.
Its use could be expanded with research possibilities:
  • Mortar -> Shell Artillery -> Rocket Artillery -> Guided Missile
  • Firing circuit for firing volleys of artillery at once
  • Placeable beacon, ignored by creepers? Some kind of range finder to require less running back and forth to check?
Artillery could also be used in defense. Slow siege-type alien units could be a possibility? Artillery aside I think everyone would like to see more enemy types.

In competitive multiplayer the time needed to build and range in your fire could act as a balance.

Missile Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:01 am
by Pigeon039
Every see a whole wave of biters and wished, " I want to just have something that can turn them all into bug goo in a flash". Well typically this is answered with a healthy dose of laser turret :roll: ,but I believe there might be a better way to kill a lot of bugs-aliens-things.

Why missile artillery ?
There needs to be a way to attack other peoples bases in multiplayer for when it is implemented rather then wave tactics with attack robots, if we get attack bots, and it has a cool factor watching the biters and their nests getting blown to gibs :D . A missile artillery seems simpler then a regular to implement since it could copy most of the mechanics of the rocket launcher for it's attack and it fits in a high tech world like Factorio. Although adding anything isn't just copy and paste, but some form of artillery would be needed in multiplayer so that people can actually break an other person's Laser Wall of Doom.
What would it do?
It is literally a rocket launcher on a turret, that shots over objects and hits its intended area. Would feature a precise hit on Where the enemy was and a setting for danger close so your artillery don't turn walls into rumble due to the splash. Perhaps a 8 silo attack with reload speed of 0.2 initially and same attack as the damage as the rocket launcher, 45, and range of 50.
It would need a feature to stop people from bulldozing biter bases from a distance, so if you order the artillery to aim at a biter spawner or worm and it fires and hits it causes a 100x100 agro. with chain 10x10 on each nest that is angered to attack the battery. If this piece was at your bases this could mean game over...
I am thinking 1 smart inserter, 8 pipes, 20 steel and 10 processing units. Don't want people spamming it in multiplayer and would feel weird for a highly precise rocket launcher to have low tech chips. Would require after rocketry a tech called "artillery" which requires explosives and military 3.

Re: Missile Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:39 pm
by MisterSpock
Somekind of very expensiv nuclear arty and a AA-Rocketlauncher with huge range against airunits would be fun.

Re: Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:46 pm
by ssilk
I joined that, cause I see no big difference between types of artillery.

And more links:

Comprehensive overview of how artillery could be implemented ... f=6&t=4200

Multiple turret types/general turret rebalance ... f=6&t=3514

Mobile turrets (aka mechs) ... =artillery

Endgame Content Concept Discussion ... ery#p33172

Idea for the goal in the late game - supply ships on orb ... lery#p8569

Trains/wishlist ... =20#p10900

New Fuel Source and Weapons Targeting System ... =artillery

Re: Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:14 pm
by Pigeon039
I guess there is a lot of demand for some sort of artillery :lol:
I hope they add some sort of artillery in the future, would make killing biters easier and if they have death matches in multiplayer later allow us to nuke their laser line.

Re: Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:10 pm
by Manti
A multi-tiered artillery seems like a good idea. I would split it into two groups - Aimed and Automatic.

Automatic would be a medium range cannon artillery, slowly firing at incoming groups of enemies from afar. Highet tier - more range, damage, fire rate, etc.

Aimed - sort of guided missiles. You could have a laser pointer on your person to aim the one-use rocket. Or just guide it via map. Tiered with accuracy and damage, supplies a better way to deal with bases. Should be very high-tech/expensive.

My inspiration was quite a bit from Supreme Commander artillery.

Re: Artillery

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:34 pm
by ssilk
I think it will be something like an artillery train.