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add filter to find_entities_filtered to find only entities with to_be_upgraded = true

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:59 am
by Optera
I'd like to have a way to find only entities marked for upgrades.

Currently to find these entities we have to find all entities then iterate them to filter the ones marked for upgrades:

Code: Select all

      local entities = LuaLogisticsCell.owner.surface.find_entities{area=bounds, force=logsiticNetwork.force}
      for _, e in pairs(entities) do
        if e.to_be_upgraded() then 
According to Rseding expanding find_entities_filtered to check to_be_upgraded would be faster than type filtering and certainly a lot quicker than lua post filtering.
Rseding91 wrote:type filtering is dereferencing the entity pointer and calling a virtual function on it to get the type.
reading to_be_upgraded would be faster since it's a non-virtual function that just reads a bit mask.