-- note scroll to bottom for button_style definition and scroll up as needed for subdefinitions...
ALIGNMENT = {"center", "left", "right"}
colorType = {r=0-1, g=0-1, b=0-1, a=0-1}
Sound = {
volume=float, -- default 1
preload = bool -- default true
ELEMENTTYPE = {"composition", "monolith", "none"}
ElementImageSet = { -- see subsets based on type below
opacity = double -- default of 1
ElementImageSet_composition =
-- see parent ElementImageSet
type = "composition"
filename = "iameg_filepath"
corner_size = PositionType -- specifies width and height
position = PositionType -- ? no idea exactly what this represents...
ElementImageSet_monolith = {
-- see parent ElementImageSet
type = "monolith"
monolith_image = Sprite -- see wiki
top_monolith_border = int -- default 0
right_monolith_border = int -- default 0
bottom_monolith_border = int -- default 0
left_monolith_border = int -- default 0
ElementImageSet_none = { -- not sure why you'd use this...perhaps combined with an opacity of 0 = invisible?
type = "none"
SpritePriority = {"extra-high-no-scale", "extra-high", "high", "medium", "low", "very-low"}
Sprite = {
filename = "image_filepath"
priority = SpritePriority[x] -- default "medium"
width = int
height = int
x = int -- default 0
y = int -- default 0
shift = Vector
scale = double -- default 1
generic_style = {
parent = "parent-style-name" -- optional
visible = bool
align = ALIGNMENT[x]
scalable = bool -- optional
width = int
minimal_width = int -- default 0
minimal_height = int -- default 0
height = int
maximal_height = int -- default 0
maximal_height = int -- default 0
top_padding = int -- default 0
right_padding = int -- default 0
bottom_padding = int -- default 0
left_padding = int -- default 0
button_style = {
-- parent = generic_style -- <- this line for documentation purposes only
font = font_prototype_name -- a completely different prototype
default_font_color = colorType -- optional
hovered_font_color = colorType -- optional
clicked_font_color = colorType -- optional
disabled_font_color = colorType -- optional
default_graphical_set = ElementImageSet -- optional
hovered_graphical_set = ElementImageSet -- optional
clicked_graphical_set = ElementImageSet -- optional
disabled_graphical_set = ElementImageSet -- optional
left_click_sound = Sound
pie_progress_color = colorType -- optional
then you just need to add it to data.raw["gui-style"].default["some_unique_name"] = button_style
I'd imagine you could have non-default ones if you set it up but.. data/core/prototypes/style.lua which defines the default style is 1723 lines long... seems like a LOT of work if you did want to lol