Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 3:36 pm
This is a request to add an entity with the following properties:
As simple-entity but with the following additions:
The entity can have a force.
The entity is included in blueprints by default (but not if blueprintable flag excludes it).
Example use case:
I'm working on a 'zones' system where you can mark area as a zone for various reasons. [MOD 0.14] Programmable Warfare - command units via signals.
The zones need to have no collision and be on a specific low-level rendering layer so they act more like radius visualization than a normal object. I've tried using the decorative type but that has undesirable side effects when placing concrete over it. Simple-entity is better but is excluded from blueprints. Wall can be blueprinted but has undesired interactions with walls. There are a number of other types I could choose but they all have various downsides and overheads.
It could be called 'Simple-Force-Entity', 'Generic-Entity' or something else that might make more sense. The important thing is a force-based blueprintable entity with minimal overhead and minimal hard-coded interactions with other entities.
As simple-entity but with the following additions:
The entity can have a force.
The entity is included in blueprints by default (but not if blueprintable flag excludes it).
Example use case:
I'm working on a 'zones' system where you can mark area as a zone for various reasons. [MOD 0.14] Programmable Warfare - command units via signals.
The zones need to have no collision and be on a specific low-level rendering layer so they act more like radius visualization than a normal object. I've tried using the decorative type but that has undesirable side effects when placing concrete over it. Simple-entity is better but is excluded from blueprints. Wall can be blueprinted but has undesired interactions with walls. There are a number of other types I could choose but they all have various downsides and overheads.
It could be called 'Simple-Force-Entity', 'Generic-Entity' or something else that might make more sense. The important thing is a force-based blueprintable entity with minimal overhead and minimal hard-coded interactions with other entities.