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[Request] Fluid Temperature

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:47 pm
by Nagshell
If it's possible I'd like to have option of choosing output temperature for fluid recpies.
For example: recipe that takes 20 water and 1 coal and outputs 20 water with set temperature of 100.

I saw modders solution, which is accesing output fluid box in some fashion, but it's more expensive operation than I think it should and if you for example drain output fliud too fast it could even fail to heat up.

Thank you for your time, this is not that important, but I'd like to see it anyway :)

Re: [Request] Fluid Temperature

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:54 pm
by Natha
The only way I see currently is, as you wrote, access the output pipes of the machine and set the temperature manually. Here we discuss about some fluid additions you like to see ;)

Re: [Request] Fluid Temperature

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 9:35 pm
by Dreadicon
I'd like to chime in (and forgive me if this is a necro) and voice my support for better fluid control of temperature, among other things. This would be the first and most important step towards a much more flexible fluid systems when it comes to mods.